Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Call me crazy, but it's never a good sign when it's Wednesday, and you still haven't fully recovered from the weekend. Jeez. The last two nights, I've had some really cool nightmares, too. It's the week from hell! Yahoo!

Let's see ... one of the funnier things from the weekend ... in the last blog, I mentioned that I had been given a phone number by someone, and I didn't know who it was. Well, after a couple of drinks on Friday, I decided to take a shot at finding out by sending a text message. Here's the convo:

Me: Hey, it's Jack ... what's up?

Now, I'm not really sure what I was expecting back. Well, actually, I wasn't expecting any answer at all. But, I was rewarded with this little gem:

She: Who the f-r u

Heh. I actually was doubled over for a bit in laughter when I read that. Guess my plan didn't work, eh? I sent one more text explaining that I had been given her number the previous weekend, and no response after that. Zippo. So, Stacey Treon, thank you for making my night ... and making the blog. Congrats!

In other news from the weekend, I was at Portside on Friday, and a buddy came in with his girlfriend. Now, his girlfriend is hecka hot, and I actually hung out with her one night before they started dating. She proceeded to tell me that they saw me on my way to work and that I looked hot. I sorta laughed this off, and then, a few minutes later, she told me again! More comforting, she told me both times right in front of her boyfriend. Needless to say, hearing that twice right in front of someone else's boyfriend gave me the heebie jeebies. So, I had a drink to calm myself down. No, wait, I had ten. Let's move forward, shall we?

My crowning glory from the weekend was managing to go to bed after 5 am on both nights. Just a ridiculous hour. I mean, there comes a point where staying up late just becomes stupid, unless you're making out with Sarah Jessica or you've found a way to turn ice cubes into gold or something. It's usually right around the time someone suggests going to a late-night sushi place, and everyone thinks it's a great idea. I don't like sushi, but I thought that was a brilliant suggestion. Pure genius! Anytime you hear birds chirping as you're going to bed, you've stayed out too late. Just a tip for ya there, no charge.

Along with those bad dreams, I've recently gotten to sample the joy of early morning television. I have DirecTV, so I have 800 some channels. Out of those 800, 89% of the shows at that hour are listed as Paid Programming - these are the infomercials ... things to make your waist small, your wallet fat (well, except you have to pay to get rich ... progressive concept!), and to slowly sap all living brain cells from your head.

One great thing I did get to see was an old episode of The Brady Bunch (hmm ... are there any new episodes?). It was the one where Bobby can't seem to win a trophy, no matter what he does. It includes one of the funniest lines in a BB episode ever. Forget that Marcia Marcia Marcia crap, or Marcia getting hit with a football - this is highest of high comedy. Ol' Bob is dreaming about winning a trophy, and in one dream, he's in a speedboat. The announcer:

Can Bobby Brady do it?! He's in last place, with a hole in his boat ... Bobby Brady did it!

Absolutely fabulous, that stuff. Plus, even though she's a teenager in the show, and it's incredibly creepy, I think I still have a major crush on Marcia, too. Almost disturbing in a way.

Is it just me, or are most of the Asian languages kinda scary to hear? I was waiting for some Chinese food the other day, and these two dudes were in the kitchen talking. I swear, I thought some sort of street rumble was going to break out any second. Five minutes later, the one guy's handing me my food and thanking me. Weird.


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