Saturday, July 30, 2005

OK! Friday ... done! One of the highlights from last night ... I was at Portside later in the evening, and these young ladies asked me to take a picture of them with their camera. I now have a new digital camera. Don't ask, because I have no idea how it happened. Stopped in at Portside and gave the bartender my name today. Hopefully, they'll call to get it back. Otherwise, I'll always be that jerk that stole their camera.

Started out last night at happy hour at Max's with some work folks, and we managed not to talk about work all that much. Imagine that! From there, hit home for a quick shower and to gussy myself up for the evening (who doesn't love the word gussy ... say it!), then met some friends at Gecko's. The word of the evening was FROLIC, people, so be sure to note that in your codebooks. Last week, Hoobastank, this week, frolic. Got it? Ok.

From Gecko's, we hit Portside (if you're scoring at home, this is visit #1 to Portside). So, my buddy Jen had brought along a lovely friend named Angie for all of us to admire. Being the good wingman I am, I decided to prop up my boy Jim to Angie. You know, telling her how he's a hell of a guy, how he's a good kisser, the usual stuff. Things seemed to be going fairly well ... more on this later.

After Portside, there was a really quick stop in Colburn's (which was lllllllame ... poor Colburn's, you used to be my friend), then it was off to the Horse! Yeehaw! Giddyap! As we're about to get in the cab, I pull Jim aside and ask him how things are going with Angie. According to Jim, she's tired and wants to go home. Hmm ...

So, the Horse. My boys Ed and Frank were jammin' ... they even gave me my double shot of Weezer. So, I'm doing the solo dancing around like I know what I'm doing thing, and next thing you now, I'm dancin' with the lovely Miss Angie. Double hmm ... I guess she wasn't that tired after all. Silly girls. Er, silly Jim.

If you know me and my friends, you know that at midnight, they all turn into pumpkins or something, so they have to run home before that. Stuffed 'em all in a cab and waved b-bye. So, I made the return trip to Portside solo. Upon arrival, da joint is jumpin'. This is when the Great Camera Caper took place. Coupla girls asked me to take their picture, I do (I think ... there aren't any pictures that came out on the camera - I checked). Next thing you know, I'm pulling a camera out of my pocket this morning. Cripes!

I meant to save all of the text messages from last night, cuz there were some beauties, but I think I had to clear my box at some point. But, I did save this one from the hot neighbor. It's an instant classic:

"You're odd and the pizza was kind of yucky but thanks"

I think she wants me. I have a feel for these things, doncha know. Oh, and the pizza was kinda yucky, but I was drunk and I ATE THE WHOLE FRIGGIN' THING! I woke up this morning, and I felt like I had eaten Rush Limbaugh. Yeesh.

Ok, I'm only going to say this one more time, people. I expect you to get it straight this time. Ready?

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a big fucking television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disk players and electrical tin openers…choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on the couch, watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life.

Got it? Good.

Speaking of Trainspotting (if you didn't get the previous blip, that speech is from the opening of the movie), I have a great finish to a cardio workout. Jump rope for 10 minutes to either Born Slippery or Dark and Long, both songs by Underworld from the Trainspotting soundtracks. Each is a little over 9 minutes long, and it's some quality stuff. Your welcome.

A'ight, it's off to Saturday! Drink on!


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