Friday, July 29, 2005

Hee haw! I'm still a bit yippy after seeing my boys Cracker at the Ram's Head last night. Quite good stuff - I've seen 'em 5 times now (I think ... might be more), and this was their best show yet. If you don't know Cracker, give yourself a wedgie and a swirlie right now in punishment.

'Course, I did find some things to talk about at the show. Imagine that! The Cracker crowd is made up of three types of people:

1) Frat boys
2) College girls that look like they've put on their freshman 15 already
3) Yuppies

Since I used to be a frat boy, I am now a yuppie, and I sometimes act like a college girl, naturally I fit right in. Not only that, but there was hardly any color in the crowd at all. Guess I wouldn't be rushing to a show for a band called Cracker if I was AA, either.

I went with my buddy, Chris, who violated my first rule of concerts all night. What's the first rule, you ask? Ok, you didn't ask, but I'm going to tell you anyway, so shutty. The first rule of concerts is to SHUT THE HELL UP! Call me crazy, but I didn't pay $20 to listen to you talk ... I came to hear the band. Dumbass. Talking between songs is a'ight ... talking during is grounds for a flogging.

One other note - I've petitioned the State of Maryland, and have gotten permission to arrest anyone that mistakes Cracker for Uncle Kracker. UK is a fat slob that had one hit song. Cracker is a good, quality band that has been around for decades, previously sneaking around under the name Camper Van Beethoven. You've been warned.

Ok, some have asked to define my emotional words, so here's a quick glossary.

Eesh ... a cringing sort of word ... example: I just saw some dude accidently pee on an electric fence. Eesh.

Bleh ... disgust. Pam Anderson's back with Tommy Lee? Bleh.

Cripes. Frustration. I can't believe Lauren Holly doesn't answer my letters. Cripes!

Consarnit. See cripes, but lesser in strength. I can't believe I ate the whole pint of B&J Peanut Butter Cup. Consarnit.

Boo yah! Elation. Paris Hilton is moving to Mars. Boo yah!

Feh. Non-caring. Brittney Spears wrote a book. Feh.

Meh. See Feh.

D'oh! I think everyone knows what d'oh! means. If you don't, move to Mars.

I think that's all for now. If you need more info, send $5 and a SASE to my home address.


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