Thursday, July 21, 2005

Mmm ... there's nuttin' like walking to work with a little Incubus blasting. Why not try and make yourself? Indeed.

Ok, so the story of the week (so far) is last night's softball game. We get there, and we find out that the team we are playing has some blind players on it. As if this isn't enough, the ump comes over and informs us that "they lost their beeping ball". Now, you might think I'm censoring some speech there, but I'm not. They had, indeed, lost their beeping ball.

So, we got to play a team partly made up of deaf players without their beeping ball. To top that, after the first inning, we were losing 5-4. Classic. We ended up winning 24-5, once some of my teammates figured out which players were blind and started hitting the non-beeping ball at them. Dopes.

The best part was when one of their players was on first, and the batter behind him walked. So, as he's walking to second, one of our players starts telling him where second base is. I start laughing because, sure enough, the guys turns to our player and says "Uh, I can see, dude". Heh.

This past weekend was kinda boring, so not much to blog about. Saturday, one of the neighbors had a party, which I was planning to attend for an hour or two then hit some bars. Well, once the monsoons came, I was sorta stuck at the party. As we all know, when you're stuck at a party, you have to do a shot or two ... so I did six. I think. Once the count gets past one hand, I tend to lose it. Yum!

Friday, went to a 40th birthday party for a buddy, then went on walkabout and managed to cover most of the city - Pickle's to Fed Hill to Canton, with about 10 bars in between. I do a ridiculous amount of walkabout when I'm not drunk enough - every place I go into seems a little too boring. I even tried one bar twice. Needless to say, I generally do this by myself.

I'm thinking of trying out something new here at work ... lemme know what you think. Every time someone asks me to do something, I'm going to say "make me!" It worked like a charm when I was five. I mean, is there any sort of comeback for that? I was thinking of using "you're not my boss", but in some cases, that's not applicable.

Went to see the John Fogerty/John Mellencamp show on Tuesday. If you're looking for a review, I'll probably put one on my website. This blog is for discussing the yahoos that were at the show, especially the dude in the Dale Earnhart hat right in front of us who smelled like he hadn't touched a bar of soap in a week. Thanks, dude, for enhancing our experience! By the way, your 'dancing' reminded me of ... um, well, it just wasn't good, how's that. I can't think of an analogy that would be strong enough. How about a drunken cowboy on LSD riding a sheep? An interesting visual, but still doesn't quite get there.

There was also the lady in green to the right of us who was also rockin' away ... sorta. It kinda looked like her boyfriend was jabbing her with a tazer every 5 seconds or so. I'd imagine her chiropracter is doing a kickin' business. I love rock concerts. To hell with the music - it's the best people watchin' you can get for your buck.

Garden State is on Cinemax this month ... every day. The new name of that channel should either be GardenStatemax or IRobotmax. Take your pic. That's sorta good for me, though, because I absolutely love the movie Garden State. L-O-V-E it.

Oh, yeah, I learned something new the other day ... Murphy beds! Can you tell I'm excited? Turns out, those beds that come out of the wall that only skeevy bachelors with cheesy mustaches have are called Murphy beds. I even went and looked it up online ... sure enough, there they are. So, props to you, Murphy dude or dudette, for a brilliant idea for Tom Selleck types.

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