Friday, July 22, 2005

Hecka ... hecka ... hecka ... that's sort of an imitation of a cat hurling up a hair ball. Try it. Guess what I found this morning on the floor? Those poor things. How much would it suck to throw up hair every other day or so? I haven't thrown up in a couple of years, and every time I do, I pray it's the last time. If I did it every other day, I might have to consider shaving myself. Wait, I sorta do that anyway. Moving on ...

Just found out that my good buddies here at Myspace, Weezer, are touring with the Foo Fighters this fall. Fantabulous! It's true that Weezer has something like 12000+ friends on Myspace, but I'm their favorite. Just so's ya know.

So, I managed to get my ass out of bed this morning and hit the gym. Now, it's better for you to go to the gym in the morning ... gets the metabolism up, burns calories earlier, etc. However, the main issue with this is that the shower afterwards NEVER, EVER TAKES. I'm sure there's some secret to getting one's core temperature down - eating ice cubes, picturing Joan Rivers naked, finding out that the surviving member of Milli Vanilli is putting out a new CD - but I haven't figured out what it is yet. So, I arrived at work with swamp shirt. Not a good start. I also got a couple of odd stares in the elevator when sweat ran down my nose and dripped onto my tie.

I suck at picking out steak. I just recently figured this out. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Either that, or I suck at grilling them. I made one the other day, and it easily could've passed for someone's old hat. Ate the whole thing, too.

The hot neighbor informed me that Pam and Tommy Lee have gotten back together. I think that's magnificent. Better that those two geniuses talk to each other than talk to anyone else. That should cut down on the stupidity in the world by about 7%. If we can get Tom Cruise to marry Paris Hilton, that would probably be another 12%.

Is it possible to tell any female that you had a dream about them and have it not feel a little skeevy? My calculations say no, not possible.

A'ight, it's off to the weekend ...


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