Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Ugly Kid Joe, man in the ladies room version 2, cat hurl at 3 am
Current mood: falling up

Ok, there's a battle of the bands going on ... right inside my own head! Duran Duran's "Rio" vs. ... hell, I don't even know the name of the other song. Um, the chorus is "I hate everything about you". Maybe Ugly Kid Joe? So, anyway, don't EVEN ask how these got in my head, because I haven't the slightest idea. Friggin' head. I KNEW I shouldn't have eaten those brownies in college!

Ok, here's my "I'm pretty much a dumb oaf" story of the week. I went skiing one time, and managed to accidently go into the women's room to go to the bathroom. Now, the best part of this is, I didn't realize this until I was sitting down. I looked over, and there was some sorta trashbin for ... uh ... feminine products. Needless to say, we don't have these in the men's room ... at least not that I've noticed. Then, I realized there were women's voices outside. So, I sat and waited for the women to clear out ... and waited ... and waited. Finally, when I thought they had all split, I made a dash for it, and ran right into this woman who I had been talking to at the lodge bar, and was kind of attracted to. Needless to say, I didn't get her number after that. Not one of my finer moments.

In a related story, I'm unable to throw away old keys now. I cleared some keys off of my keychain once, and on that same skiing trip, realized that one of the keys was to my ski lock. D'oh! That's pretty much how I ended up at the lodge bar, then in the ladies room, then not getting that woman's number.So, the moral is, if you want to get an attractive woman's number, don't throw out any keys. You might want to write that one down for future reference.

We had one of those "WOO!" teachers in my spin class yesterday. If you don't know what that is, it's one of those people that feels the need to give you a good, loud "WOO!" every 30 seconds or so. In my new world that I'm inventing, those people will be locked up immediately, and forced to listen to Air Supply for a month straight. Should quiet them down some.

Lovely. Now I have "Lost In Love" by Air Supply in my head. Where's a good, sharp razorblade when I need it?

Is there anything worse than hearing a cat hurling at 3 am? You always have to make a mental note to remember it when you get up, too. Fabulous!

If it wasn't for Skinemax, there'd be no reason to have Cinemax. I'm basically paying $12/month for naked dancing.


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