Friday, May 13, 2005

Magic wand, cell phone rings, Newman!
Current mood: lightning slow

Ah, one last bark before the weekend. Bark!

Along the lines of I can't believe I'm the only one who thinks of this stuff, someone posted a poll on another site I visit about which tool you would pick. There were a number of choices: hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, light saber, sneakoscope, R2-D2, C3PO, invisibility cloak, magic wand, and a couple of other things. I really need to look into getting patents on my thoughts because the obvious choice is magic wand. With that, you can MAKE all of the other stuff. Too bad this stuff wasn't on the SAT.

I'm going out with some boys in DC tonight, and we're known for drinking ourselves into a stupor. The best thing is, two of them are married and one is in a serious relationship, so I essentially have 3 wingmen. Nice!

Tomorrow is the HFStival, and I'm extremely fired up for this baby. I get to see the Foo Fighters, which is enough right there to sit through a whole festival, plus Coldplay, Billy Idol (Billy IDOL!), and some other musical folk. Good stuff.

The hardest part is getting booze into the event. They don't let anything in, especially after there was some sort of bottled water war at one of these a few years ago. I mean, there's fun, and then there's a bottled water war. Yeah, I don't really get the appeal, either. That's either a sign of age, or a sign that I realize that some things are just dumb. Probably a combo. In the dumb category, there are 95% of all baseball players in the world. The other 5% can tie their own shoes on a good day. Oh, and I played baseball, so that tells you a lot about me.

Someone just mentioned the phrase "420", which always makes me snicker. It was actually work-related, too. Stupid drug references, trying to get me in trouble.

I bought new windshield wiper blades, and I guess one of them wasn't long enough, because when I use them, it makes this lovely screeching sound as it goes across the windshield. Think fingernails on a chalkboard, Joan Rivers' voice, and a cat in heat all rolled into one, and you'll get the sound. Not good times.

I called someone a boner today, and was told that word is a bit dated. How could BONER be dated? It's so perfect! I mean, it's useful in so many ways, I can't even count. Damn. You know, I think the person that told me that is a BONER. So there.

Cell phone rings are basically the "Name That Tune" of our generation. Someone's phone just rang, and it's driving me crazy trying to figure out the tune. Christ, it's "Sugar" by the Archies! I swear to God, I just had to go Google that. I'm starting to disturb myself.

Isn't it great that "google" is now a verb? It's only a matter of time before it makes it into other things ... did you get "googled" last night? Yeah, and now I've got a "google". Hmm ... you should probably go see a doctor to get that "googled". Etc.

Is there some reason Paul Newman has a spaghetti sauce? In what world is the name "Newman" Italian? Do you think he gets tired of hearing people saying "Hello, NEWMAN!"

There's your Seinfeld reference for the day. I should probably do one of those each time, since I know every single show by heart. Ain't that a sad caper?

Speaking of sad capers, I've been playing that on the guitar recently. It's a Hootie song ... and, yes, Hootie was recently seen in that weird assed Burger King commercial. So, the moral is, if you're a big pop star who's name is Hootie, expect to be pimping yourself to onion rings and the Whopper a few years later.

Speaking of Joan Rivers (was I speaking of her? well I am now!) ... um, pardon my French but WHAT ... THE ... FRICK!? Ok, that ain't French, but whatever. She pretty much has a brand new face, and it shows. She's making a run at Michael Jackson for scariest looking person. 'Course, since she doesn't play with boys (as far as we know), she's got that on him.

A'ight, folks, I'm off to the weekend. Have a good one, and do everything I would do! Yahoo!


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