Friday, May 06, 2005

Ram farm, chivalry, man in the ladies room!

Current mood: blatantly sublime

It's officially the Cinco de Mayo letdown day. Ok, not really. Went out last night for a bit, but it was apparently college night on the Square, so had to ditch that scene. Didn't want to get involved in a suck and blow game or a panty raid, doncha know. Do they still do that stuff?

Couple of funny things did happen, however. There were 4 of us, and at one point, we were undecided as to where to go next. So, we each wrote down where we wanted to go next, and threw them in a hat. My friend Jim pulled out the votes ... first was Lori (the Horse), then mine (Colburn's), then Jim pulled out the third vote, looked at Janet, and said "did you vote for this?" Uh ... dude ... either it's her vote or yours, and you know what your vote is! Gave him the business on that one. Ok, guess you had to be there.

Second thing, which might be a little more intriguing, is that Jim, who is my boy by the by and a helluva guy, used the ladies room when he went to take a whizz. Now, women use the men's room all the time, but there really isn't any way a man can justify using the ladies room. Sorry, fellas, but it's just not possible. He pulled out the "there wasn't anyone in there", the "I really had to go", the "the guy in the men's room was in there forever" ... nuttin' worked. I, of course, asked him if he at least sat down when he whizzed. Heh. Ah, the poor guy ... I guess we all have to learn these lessons at some point. Moral: if you want to guarantee that you aren't getting laid some night, use the ladies room.

The final thing, which wasn't that funny but was more of a dumb thing, was of my own doing. I had on a collared shirt over a T-shirt. Well, when we got to Colburn's, Janet was cold, so she made me take off my shirt and give it to her. Well, she didn't MAKE me, she asked me, and I have a tendency to go a little overboard on chivalry sometimes. So, now, I'm standing in one of my favorite bars, and I look like a complete doofus with just a T-shirt on. Never let it be said that I'm not vain and shallow, either ... as if that's secret information.

Hmm ... that story really wasn't all that good, either. I'm going to lose my sponsers if I'm not careful!

I managed not to see Survivor last night, my best friend TIVO got it, so if you've partaken already, clam it. Plus, I might have to slo mo the part where Steph walks out to be on the jury. Hey now!

I have the theme song from "The Odd Couple" stuck in my head right now. It's good NOT to be me right now. I mean, where the hell does this stuff come from? I can't wait until I'm 70, and I can't remember any of this stuff.

You know, I can't make this stuff up. I just had a long talk with a co-worker who used to live on a ram farm. A friggin' RAM FARM! I'm not sure whether that's funny or just odd. It's fudd.

Ben and Jerry's have this new "Body and Soul" line of flavors out, with 25% less sugar and fat ... I think. Something like that. So, I eat an entire pint now. Wait, I did before. Never mind. Anyway, I'm 25% less sugary and fatty now, which is always a bonus.

Ok, I'm off to my weekend. Have a good one, ya'll!


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