Monday, May 09, 2005

Tough pickups, married keyboardists, drunk dialin'
Current mood: inconsistently consistent

Ah, another Monday lunchtime blog. Good ol' Mondays. I love you Mondays so much! I wish I could give every Monday a big kiss ... and then a nice, fat kick in the ass. Stupid Mondays. Ok, I'm calm now.

Let's see ... highlights from the weekend ... that I can remember ...Saturday, went to see an 80s cover band at the Funk Box that was a lot of fun. As we're bouncing around on the dance floor, one of my buddies decides he's going to pick up the keyboardist. Maybe I should've let this go, because it might've been pretty comical to watch, but I pointed out to him the HUGE, GLITTERING WEDDING RING she had on her hand. As payback for this info, he then made me do a shot. Seems fair.

We were supposed to go to the O's game on Saturday. Nice day, we get to Pickle's, start drinking, and realized that we could watch the game at Pickle's and drink for a whole lot less. Some strong decision makers my friends and I are. Next thing you know, it's two hours later and I'm seeing triple.

I also spent most of the night running back and forth between Mother's and the Funk Box. I was supposed to be hanging with a group of people at Mother's who were celebrating a friend's graduation, but I really don't like that place. Too dark or something. Or, maybe it's just that I've never picked anyone up there. Heh. Either way, she asked me today where I was all night. Hmm ...

Oh, along those lines, here are the three toughest women to pick up in a bar:

1) The drunk one who has two friends, aka bodyguards with her ... pretty much impossible
2) The married keyboardist
3) Bartenders ... now, they might not be that hard to pick up, but you have to wait until all hours of the night for them to get off work

Annoyance of the day ... people that start a statement with "To be honest with you". Um, were you lying before?

Fairly comical statement a friend made about a dishonest person - "if he says it's Tuesday, check the calendar".

Checked the phone on Saturday morning ... called a total of 15 people between the hours of 9 pm and 1 am. I didn't even know I had that many friends total. Kinda frightening. Managed not to call anyone on Saturday. I'm very proud. 'Course, now I'm going to get emails from people who I didn't call on Friday. Go figure!

I just did some serious clothes shopping ... at Old Navy. Heh. Never let it be said that I'm a fashion hound, or on the cutting edge. I'm still trying to figure out how to accessorize something with a chest stripe on it.

A'ight, back to work I go ...


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