Monday, May 16, 2005

HFStival, evil women, boob sale
Current mood: temporarily permanent

Another weekend down. Time to start planning the next one! Is it a good thing if I'm still hungover from Saturday? Oof.

So, let's see. On Friday, I went to see a Nationals game with 3 of my boys in DC. We're going to skip what happened after that with a hot girl at a bar. Let's just say I had a bigger crash and burn than Goose in Top Gun, and I'm about $100 poorer from buying drinks. I absolutely adore women, but there are a few out there that are just pure evil. I guess that makes up for the 98% of men that are idiots, eh? Heh. Ok, let's move on from that ... quickly!

Saturday was the HFStival, and it was a blast. Notes:

- Billy Idol rules. He looks exactly the same as he did 25 years ago, except he's a little buffer. He stole the show.
- A big rainstorm in the middle of a concert is really cool until the lightning starts. Then, it's a little wiggy. Here's a tip ... when the lightning starts, don't start talking about the Tibetan Freedom concert. Idiots.
- Along those lines, if it rains hard for about an hour and then soaks everyone, then it turns a little chilly, Coldplay is probably not the best band to hop on stage. Crimeny, they have the world COLD in their name! I love their music, and they are a good live band, but they took all the energy out of the joint. Bad timing.
- I love the Foo Fighters, but when one of your friends is asleep, it's time to leave the show. Got to see 5 of their tunes, though. Dave Grohl is still the man.
- The lead singer of the New York Dolls scared the hell out of me. Seriously. We were walking on the field, and I looked back at one of the big screens they have, and there he was. Think of a cross between Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, except he looks like he's been doing heroin for oh, say, 217 years. I am seriously amazed that the dude is even alive. He's probably married to some hot model, too. Go figure.
- From the "it's a small world" department, I met a guy who was from Indiana. As if that wasn't weird enough, his hometown is right next to mine. I go to a rock concert 700 miles from home, and that's who I meet. I couldn't write fiction better than this stuff.

Those are pretty much the highlights. Oh, and apparently, there was a sale on implants recently, because they were EVERYWHERE. I haven't seen that many fake boobs since Oasis broke up. Sorry. I'm really reaching for a good metaphor here, but I can't think of any literal fake boobs, other than those guys.

Anyway, so that was Saturday. I spent yesterday snoozing and watching the movie Ray. Really good stuff, that. 'Course, now I have to go buy the soundtrack. That's how they get ya.

Random thoughts:

Steph on Survivor looked better on the island. Too much makeup when she gets all dolled up. She's about 7.6% less hot when she's dressed up.

If I hear someone say "I'm Rick James, bitch" again, I think my ears may start bleeding.

If you're throwing up and crying at a rock concert, stop drinking alcohol. Just a tip.

Ah, it's Monday, and I got nuttin' in the random category. Amuse yourselves for now!


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