Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Earrings, fat boys, Girl 6
Current mood: snuffleupagus-ness

So, why is it that stuff at Sam's Club is usually about 10-20% cheaper, and it usually tastes about 20-30% cheaper? I had some lobster ravioli last night that I got at SC, and it's pretty darned average. If I'm going to calorie splurge, I don't want something average, consarnit.

There seems to be some sort of fashion trend with women regarding earrings - I guess the longer, dangly ones are in vogue now, which I think are pretty cool. Now, normally, I don't notice earrings at all ... I'm generally busy looking at ... um, other things that interest me, and whatever is plugged into the lobe isn't the first on my list. Previously, the only earrings I noticed were the big, flashy hula hoops ... think Jody Whatley (who I used to have a big thing for), and you'll get the gist. So, these are added to my list along with ankle bracelets and chokers. Now, if I can find someone who wears all three, I'm set. Knowing my luck, "her" name will be Roger.

Someone was questioning how much water I drink at work today. Now, I work in a hospital, where health is supposed to be paramount, and H2O is the key to life (along with Pez and porn, not necessarily at the same time). What's wrong with this picture?

I have a new neighbor, and she's kinda cute. Guess I can't be watching Skinemax with the sound up anymore. Shoot.

Along those lines, I was watching Girl 6 the other day, which is an old Spike Lee movie about a woman who becomes a sex talk ... uh ... person. What do they call those people? Anyway, there's some pretty explicit language in it, and I realized that my neighbors probably think I'm watching porn or something. It's a legitimate movie! Dag! There's also a great Prince song in it, which I downloaded yesterday. Today, it will not leave my head, no matter how much I scrub. Jeez.

So, I'm kind of a fan of the show King of Queens, mainly because Leah Remini used to be wicked hot. Well, she's huge now ... think Kirstie Alley, and you're on the right track. Hmm ... I may have discussed this previously, but I'm past the point of caring now. In fact, I completely lost my train of thought. Let's just move on.

What's up with all these TV shows with hot women married to fat, dumpy men? Should I stop going to the gym and gain 50 pounds? I mean, if it means I'm going to be dating Jamie Gertz in a few months, I can do that. I have no problem making another run through the line of Ben and Jerry flavors, if that's what it takes.

HFStival on Saturday, and it's supposed to rain. 'Course, the weatherpeople around here have absolutely no clue what it's going to do in 1 hour, never mind 4 days from now. I actually used to feel sorry for them, until I realized they have tremendous job security. They could just throw darts at a weatherboard and report that, and they'd still be close most of the time.

So, if you rubbed a bottle, and a genie came out and granted you three wishes, what would they be? I'd only need one. I'd ask for a hundred more wishes. I can't believe I'm the only one who thinks of this stuff.


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