Monday, May 23, 2005

Pegleg, Tuaca, striped shirts
Current mood: deviously innocent

Ya'll regular readers almost got a PWI blog late Friday night. That's Posting While Intoxicated, for those that don't know. I woke up the next day, read it, and deleted it. It was a beauty, if you like dumb ramblings about nothing. Wait, that's EVERY blog I do. Ok, never mind.

Plenty of stuff happened this weekend, but my personal favorite is this. I had a couple of friends come up from DC on Saturday ... we had a going away party for a friend, and went to the O's game as a part of it. So, we're sitting at a table outside Pickle's, and this dude walked by with a pegleg. Now, they're making all kinds of proste- ... prosthe ... um, fake limbs, but this dude decided to go with the peg. An intriguing choice, to say the least. Unfortunately, he declined the hook hand, the eye patch, and there were no signs of parrots in the vicinity.

'Course, my DC friends look at him, then look at me, like I had something to do with his peg choice. Friggin' DC people.

I have a tendency to get really bored around 3 am on the weekends. Just so you've been warned for the future.

So, we're at Pickle's after the game, and a buddy wants to buy another friend and I a shot. We agree, and he returns shortly thereafter with a shot. I take one whiff, and it's Tuaca. Now, I'd rather poke myself in the eye with a stick for about 2 hours than drink Tuaca and, frankly, I'm going to feel exactly the same in either situation. I thought about "accidently" dropping it, or doing the toss over the shoulder, but there were too many people around. In the end, I managed to fake drink it and slip it to a girl behind me ... who ended up dropping it. Go figure!

So, the new men's fashion is apparently striped shirts. I see them everywhere and, like rabbits, they keep multiplying. Are all men complete mindless lemmings when it comes to clothes, or what?

I'm watching Skinemax the other night, and the dude that won Survivor a few years ago, Brian Whatshisname, shows up in one movie. That was a tad disturbing. I didn't stop watching, mind you ... I mean, it's not like I look at the dudes anyway (since they're usually going by in fast forward ... heh), but it was a little weird when I realized who it was. I guess that's better than Richard Hatch showing up.

If you live in the area, and haven't been to Gecko's on Fleet Street for a meal, you should be arrested. Just an FYI.

Here's when you know life is getting interesting - I spent part of Saturday in a conversation between a woman who has breast implants, and a woman who wants to get breast implants. Guess what the conversation was about? You got it - breast implants! Needless to say, I worked really hard on my listening skills in that one. What did I learn? You'd think a conversation about breasts between two attractive women would be a lot more interesting. That's what I learned.

The final tip of the day - when you run out of money to pay the cab driver at 3 am, that's when they pull over and let you out. It doesn't matter how close you are to your house.


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