Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Salad bars, Ginger/Mary Ann, hot neighbor
Current mood: barking at spiders

I'm finishing up lunch, which included a salad from the bar in the cafeteria. Today's question on salad bars (actually, this is my ONLY question on salad bars) ... why do they put the good stuff all the way in the back? I mean, I've got my nose smashed up against the sneeze guard, trying to reach the cucumbers, and the friggin' chick peas that no one wants are right in front of me. Some sort of salad bar conspiracy going on there. The chick pea likin' folk must be loving life, though. Bastids.

Today's song that won't get out of my head so much that it makes me want to top myself is "Somebody Told Me" by The Killers. What sucks majorly about this is I haven't heard that song in about a week. It's like every now and then, the brain gremlins just decide to throw one out there to really mess with me. When they are really jackholes, they throw out the Love Boat theme. Whoop, there it is!

As an aside, how sad is it that I sometimes can't remember how old I am, but I have no trouble singing the theme to Gilligan's Island?

Speaking of GI, here's my theory on the whole Ginger/Mary Ann debate. Now, I think it's a pretty basis assumption that Mary Ann is very innocent, possibly even a virgin, whereas Ginger is a vixen. Now, if you're going to be on an island forever, do you really want to take a chance with someone innocent? I mean, teaching her stuff wouldn't be that big of a deal, but what if she doesn't like to do something? You're stuck with that forever. Ginger on the other hand, there's no worries there, eh?

Oh, and by 'something', I'm talking about going for coconuts or making a radio out of bamboo. Get your minds out of the gutter people. Heh. I can't even write that with a straight face.

And just like that, I've mentally gone from Somebody Told Me to Mr. Brightside. It's like the gremlins changed the track on the disc in between meals or something. At least I'm on the same group. Cripes!

I made BBQ tilapia on my grill last night, and it was awesome. Unfortunately, approximately 72.4% of it ended up IN the grill. Cooking fish on a grill is a tad tricky, just so's ya know. How can you tell the fish is done? Why, when it falls in the grill, of course!

Every time I see my new neighbor, she gets hotter. I figure in another week, I'll be living next to Angelina Jolie ... which should raise my property value some.

Is there anything better than lying to a solicitor? I told someone the other day that I wasn't 18 and therefore, not old enough to make the decisions in the household. Classic.

Question of the day ... if you could go back to high school and do it all over again NOT knowing what you know now, would you?


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