Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Tuna breath, bulk shoppin', Fresca Current
mood: speakin' drivel

So, it's lunchtime, and I'm eating tuna fish with a decent amount of onions in it. I guess I can cancel any afternoon hookups in the copy room, eh?

I went to Sam's Club last night. For those that don't live here (and it's disturbing enough that you don't live near ME), SC is one of those mega mart joints that sells stuff in bulk. It's a baffling ordeal - I think that's actually a line from The Simpsons. I always find myself exhausted when I get to the checkout, and I don't really buy that much. Any time you need a dolly instead of a shopping cart, you're probably buying too much stuff. I did get a good deal on a 4 pack of big screen TVs, though.

The other big news from last night was that I bought a gas grill, and a real cheap one, too. So, the first time I fire that baby up should be very interesting and probably a little unnerving. Picture me pushing the light button on this thing while cowering, and you get the idea. I even put it together myself, which is even more harrowing. The way I figure it, if something goes wrong, who really needs eyebrows anyway?

We have a number of stray cats in our neighborhood, which a few of us feed regularly (mainly to keep the rats away ... cats vs. rats = no brainer decision). Anyway, there are these three that are clearly related, and they are just the coolest. They pretty much travel everywhere together, and they each have their own little characteristics that make them unique (one likes to sit on the windowsill and stare at my cats which, needless to say, freaks them out and cracks me up). I've actually been watching them since they were kittens - they're probably around a year old now. Good stuff.

Did the "pop awake an hour early" thing this morning. I don't really get that. I go to bed at pretty much the same time during the week, and I get up at the same time. It's like every 4th day or so, my body decides that it needs an hour less sleep. What the frick? Look, body, the brain's in charge here. Obviously, we need a sit down talk or something.

I don't really get Fresca, just in a general sense. Did you know there's grapefruit juice in there? At least that's what I read on the Internet somewhere, and we all know things written on the Internet are always facts. It's not that I don't like the taste of Fresca - it's a'ight, and I'm sure it'd be a good mix for the good Cap'n - I'm just wondering how they managed to get grapefruit juice in there. Did someone spill grapefruit juice in their cup of Sprite or something? Weird.

As long as we're on sodas, how many friggin' variations of Coke and Pepsi are there? There's regular, diet, lime, vanilla, cherry, crack (ok, I made that one up) caffeine free versions of all of them ... I could go on for another hour. Then there's Fresca. Just plain, ol' Fresca. No caffeine free or sugar free there! You have your Fresca, and you just deal with whatever is in it. That takes courage. I think Fresca drinkers are the new Hell's Angels. Hmm ...

Crack Coke. I kinda like that idea. To the Batmobile!

Story time, and this one is kinda gross. A high school friend of mine was dating this dude, and they were at a party. Dude was pretty hammered, but he decides he's going to make out with her anyway. Well ... and here comes the nasty part ... he ended up hurling WHILE he was kissing her, and got some in her mouth. Lovely! The kicker ... she has to run through another room to get to the bathroom. As she passes through this room, there are a couple of people in there partying. She points to the ... uh ... stuff in and around her mouth while looking at them and mumbles "it's not mine!"



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