Thursday, April 14, 2005

Beck, lameness, and cat hunts
Current mood: have to pee

Hey, it's Thursday, which means it's almost the weekend, and Survivor is on tonight. Cheers! Unfortunately, I also get to do laundry and clean my house. Jeers.

I've been listening to the new Beck CD, and it's just phenomenal. Kind of a return to the Odelay sound, but maybe a touch mellower. The dude is just one of the more creative people out there in the music business. He's done a number of different sounds, and all of them well. I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but check out the song "Debra" sometime. It's lyrically hilarious, and you'll be amazed at his voice in it.

So, since I'm generally about 6 months behind on discussing movies, I'm ready to talk about the Motorcyle Diaries. Who's in?

Britney Spears' career is at 14:50 and counting. B-bye. Oh, and her IQ is at 14 and counting. I read an absolutely brilliant quote from her about parenting. She's my new hero, when I'm in a "the world's going to end for this reason" sort of mood.

For whatever reason, I can only make it through about 1/2 a season of the Real World before I quit it. Getting older doesn't really suck in my world - I'm very much ok with my age - but I just can't relate to these damned kids anymore. Now, where's my walker and my Metamucil?

Is there anything worse than pulling up to a light, seeing a hot woman in the car next to you, and having something lame like Paul Simon on the radio? Heh. I like me some Paul Simon, but it's a guilty pleasure, doncha know. Best to listen to it with the windows rolled up. Then you can crank it and sing along like an idiot. Slip slidin' away ...

My friend who is a house music/DJ/whatever you call a dude that plays tunes in clubs has just informed me that I like a lot of commercial club music. I'm sorta into Underworld, Alice DJ, that sorta stuff. I was going to inform him that I was only into it for the drugs, but figured that wouldn't go over to well in a professional office. ;-)

So, there are sooooo many things I could say about this cat hunt in Wisconsin, on both sides of the issues. I'm not going to list them all, but I would like to say that when you give some humans a license to kill, they generally end up doing things that are even worse. I might have to go into further detail on the website, and maybe I'll copy that back here. And maybe I won't.

Dunno about the rest of you, but I get a good deal of spamish stuff here. I have all these hotties telling me how cute I am and that I should email them, only to find out that they're just spammin'. Hey, if you're a HOT spammer, I can dig that. So what if you send billions of emails out and annoy the hell out of people? If you have a small waist and great eyes, I'm ok with that. Yeah, yeah, I'm a sell out.


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