Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Opening Day silliness

For those of ya'll that don't know what Opening Day is, it's the start of the baseball season here in Baltimore, and it's a really, really, really good excuse to have a big assed party. Not that I'd know anything about that.

So, it all started around 2. Beeeeeeee ... eee ... eeeautiful day outside, and it was a really good day for girl watching ... if you're into that sort of sordid affair. My good friend Spill (that's his nickname, because he spills drinks ALL THE TIME) has a place above one of the bars by the stadium, and it's just a classic party every year. We're seriously considering renting the place after he moves out, just so we can have it for Opening Day every year. No, I'm serious ... we're seriously considering it. Seriously.

So, anyway, it was good stuff. 'Course, the first thing I did when I came in was to download this rip ass new song by the Killers called "Mr. Sunshine". Yeah, yeah, I know, it ain't all that new, but I just can't go to sleep without hearing it. I'm listening to it right now ... in my li'l noggin. I went and stole it, and tossed it right onto the PA. I'm hip like that.

So, the party was pretty much in full effect when I got there. Highlights:

- This li'l cutie named Tiffany who looks a lot like a li'l China Doll.
- Oh, I'm sorry, was I thinking out loud?
- Ok, so I met up with an ex from a few years ago. She cut off all her hair about two weeks ago, and ... well ... she used to be wicked hot, and now ... well, she looks a'ight. Jeez, I'm too nice. Ok, it don't look so good. Man, and I had dreams of getting back with that, too. So, the moral is, ladies, don't cut off your hair if you want to get your ex back. Hmm ... I should probably learn something from this, but I'm not that smart.
- I had somewhere around 350,000,000 calories tonight. Bleh. I feel like I ate Kirstie Alley, who ate ... um, whoever that chick was I was making fun of for being fat the other day. Whatever. I'm really full ... how's that?
- So, have I mentioned that I'm a gay magnet yet? Well, I am. I'm really not seeing how this is a good thing for a heterosexual man. Maybe someone can clue me in, cuz I ain't getting it. I'd prefer to lose the gay magnet label, thankee.
- So, I drank on Friday, had my own little personal bar crawl in Canton on Saturday, and am feeling no pain tonight. So, to top all of this off, I think I'm going to NYC this weekend, to the CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS. How good of an idea is this? I should probably pick a benefactor right now, and make sure my life insurance policy is paid up.
- Nick Drake ... "One of These Things First" ... it's just that good. Listen to it in the dark.
- Good night, my kings and queens of ... ah, whatever. I'm about to pass out on the keyboard ...


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