Monday, May 02, 2005

Lesbians, Chinese food, Trainspotting
Current mood: sleepy with sprinkles on top

Eh, another weekend, shot to hell. Highlights:

Friday, went to my favorite area, Columbia (see previous rants), and ended up actually having a good time. 'Course, the 8 liquored up trauma nurses that I met at Sonoma's didn't hurt the situation, especially considering that the ratio was somewhere around 110% men to -10% women when I got there (ok, not that bad, but not good, either).

I also realized something new. When women dance with each other, they are WAY more suggestive than when they dance with men. I saw things on the dance floor on Friday that I haven't even seen on Skinemax. Hoo hah! Note to self ... do "observation" at the Hippo from this point on.

Another note - aren't hot lesbian women just the worst situation? I mean, it's like being on a diet, and having a giant chocolate cake just floating in front of you for hours. I guess you can do some fun visualization, but that's about it.

Saturday, I spent the night with 2 dogs and 3 wild cats. ;-) That's an inside joke for one of my readers.

Sunday, went down to the Cross Street Festival in Fed Hill, which was a blast ... until some yahoo spilled beer on me. Now, it's one thing to spill beer on someone. I mean, it was an accident, the guy was incredibly apologetic, no big deal, so whatever. Problem was, I was stone cold sober, and I had my best $4 Old Navy T shirt on. So, I had to leave right after that. I'm pretty much a high maintenance bitch on most days, if you didn't already know.

I was told this weekend that I look better in person than in my pictures, which I found intriguing. So I've got that going for me. I think. Heh. Note to self ... get better pictures. ;-)

I watched the movie Galaxy Quest yesterday, on a recommendation from someone. Good thing I don't talk to that person anymore, because that movie SUCKED. Cripes. If I had a time machine, I would've gone back two hours as soon as that thing was over.

I also saw one of my exes at the Festival, which was fine. We're on speaking terms now, although we weren't for a long time. Funny aside ... one time after we had broken up, I was out with someone else, and saw the ex walk by at a bar. Well, when I saw her, I immediately did the "wave to someone I knew" thing, which I wish I could've retracted immediately when I realized who it was. Isn't that the worst? Stupid automatic wave. Damn you!

I love Chinese food. I mean love, as in I would marry Chicken w/broccoli combo plate and a side of fried dumplings if I could. I wonder if that's possible. I also wonder who would sit on the bride's side, if that happened. The chef? Friends of the broccoli? Dumpling cousins? No, I'm not stoned right now.

I did get to watch part of the most amazing movie ever made - Trainspotting. That almost made up for the Galaxy Quest fiasco. There was a period in my life where I came home and watched that movie for about 2 months running. Hey, I was going through a weird time in my life. Sue me. Anyway, it's a friggin' brilliant movie. I've always said there are 2 major keys to a successful movie - a good script and casting. Well, Trainspotting nails both of those. I think I have a review on my website, so if you're interested, head there. I'm too lazy to re-post right now.

I have a hard time with Drew Barrymore. I mean, in a general sense, she should be hot, but I keep seeing the little girl from E.T. every time I look at her. She just doesn't do a thing for me. I'm sure she'd lose a lot of sleep over that information.


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