Monday, April 11, 2005

Of Weezer and NYC

Hey, how cool is this ... besides Tom (who is a male slut since he's everybody's friend), I have some new guy friends. Yup, I'm now friends with the band Weezer. Say it ain't so! So, to all of you that said I'd never amount to anything, take that! Weezer! Weezer! Weezer! I think I overdosed on my dork medication today.

So, I went to NYC this weekend. You know, every time I go there, I always leave thinking I could've done so much more. Someday, I'm going to visit that city on my own, and see how long it takes me to get arrested. I'm figuring the over/under on that will be around 2 hours.

If I could afford it, I'd live there in a second, at least for a few months. The price of things there is just INSANE, though. We went and got drinks at a bar, 3 regular ol' drinks ... 30 bucks. I did a triple take at the receipt, and asked the bartender if that was in American money. We really didn't do a whole lot other than spend outrageous sums of money. We managed to get a table at Bob DeNiro's Japanese restaurant, which is apparently a big deal. The two women I was with were extremely excited about this, and my reaction was ... uh, ok, cool ... where's the bar? Apparently, you have to call exactly 30 days in advance to get a table, sign over your first born child, sleep with DeNiro, and make sense of the movie Magnolia to get in the regular way. Someone cancelled their table right before we walked in, so we were golden.

So, for dinner, I had chicken skewers and a couple of pea pod tempuras. The poor waiter - he kept asking if I wanted more, and I informed him to keep my booze glass full. Heh. I think the price of my meal was close to the GNP of Bolivia. I stopped looking at prices at that point.

After that, we went to a place called the Bubble Lounge, which was a pretty cool place ... if you're rolling and are on a date. We were doing neither, however, so it was kind of boring. The ladies had chocolate martinis, and I had the usual. I'd imagine my credit card with a $5k limit is maxed after that round. Cool atmosphere, though.

We hit a couple more bars, including a college joint that had a hilarious bartender named Barry. If you've ever seen the show Taxi, this dude WAS Jim Ignitowski to a friggin' T. Funny stuff. We left when he decided to kick out about 9 rowdy college boys. Damned kids.

My favorite line from a comedian I heard once ... New York is the only city where you can get woken up by a smell. Classic, and true.

On Sunday, we went to a Yankee game, which was cool for me b/c I'd never been to the Stadium. I decided to get some sun, since it was a perfect day, and took off my shirt. For whatever reason, I was the only person in the stadium with that idea. Weird. The couple in front of us were wearing jeans and turtlenecks, for chrissake. I spent the majority of the game annoying/charming the woman next to me, who was from California, but was in town getting the "New York Experience". I'm not sure what that meant, but I'm sure it's expensive, and may or may not involve getting shots afterwards. Luckily, she informed me that she had a boyfriend early on in the convo, so I didn't waste any of my good material on her. Heh. I'm just kiddin'.

After that, we went to a really good burger joint called Rare, and then headed back to Charm City, where people actually go to bed at a normal hour, and don't call each other "Yo".

Have I mentioned that I'm buds with Weezer yet?


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