Thursday, April 07, 2005

Killers and Survivor

So, I'm currently obsessing over the song "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers. It's good stuff. I'm sure I'm late to the party, but whatever. Really good gym/workout song.

I just edited the ol' friends list to knock someone off. I think she was a shill for some poker site. That's all she ever wanted to talk about, online poker or threesomes, and she quit answering when I asked her about other stuff that wasn't sex or gambling related. I mean, gimme something else besides sex and gambling. Wait a second ... what the hell's wrong with me?!

Going to NYC this weekend. Should be a lot of fun. I'm always a little leery of going to a city that's called "The City That Never Sleeps." I always seem to end my nights on the AM side of 12:00, so I'm not sure that's the best place for me to be hanging out. Ah well, I love to visit that city. I'd never, ever, EVER live there, though. I'd be dead in a week from lack of sleep.

So, if you watch Survivor, you're cool. It's actually kind of interesting this year, mainly because this Stephanie chick that's the only one left from the one tribe is way, way hot. 'Course, if it wasn't for her, the show would probably be pretty boring for me. On tonight's show, they had to eat these duck embryo things. Nasty. I mean, NASTY. Bleh.

Apologies, dear reader, but this blog is going to be a bit short. I'm on the sleepy side of the keyboard, and need my kip. Big weekend coming up, and all that noise. I'll talk to you after the weekend, if I can survive it.


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