Friday, April 22, 2005

6 am, American History X, giving rides to solitary Hispanic women
Current mood: it's friggin' 6 am!

That's right, peeps, it's 6 friggin' o'clock in the morning, and I'm awake. How incredibly idiotic is that? I feel like the milkman, if they still had milkmen (milkpersons? milkpeople?). Ok, it's too early to make any any analogies that are either (1) funny, (2) logical, or (3) funny and logical.

Here's a fine question to find out if you're an optimist or a pessimist. If you buy a $2 lottery card and win $2, are you happy, or sorta bummed? To me, that's just a pain in the ass. Either give me big bucks, or nuttin'.

I caught part of American History X last night. If you want to see Ed Norton Jr. at his absolute finest (and he's also pretty buff in this flick, ladies), check out this film. A really interesting look at racism, and the effect it has on an average American family. I've seen it a number of times, and can't find a single thing wrong with it. Brilliant stuff. From what I've heard, ol' Ed pulled a major power play in the editing, too, so much so that the director quit the movie.

Speaking of effect, I have no idea what the difference is between effect and affect. I've even looked it up a couple of times, and still can't figure it out. That's right, I went to a state university.

If you watch Survivor, Stephanie has moved to the top of the hottest Survivor ever list. I'm almost hoping she gets voted off, just so I can see her all cleaned up every week on the jury. Woofah.

So, how quickly did Ben Affleck's career go in the tank? Was it the J-Lo effect? ... affect? Whatever. He is good and landing the hot women and marrying them for a few months, I will say that, although I was never a big J-Lo fan. Jennifer Garner, however ... that's good stuff. So, Ben gets a pass on his career just for that. Which is a good thing, because his career ... eesh. Did you see Jersey Girl? I've never wanted two hours of my life back more than after that mess.

John Mellencamp is touring with John Fogerty this summer, and I'm there. Just a tremendous pairing. If you haven't ever seen JCM, and like any of his music, get there.

Is there anything more unnerving than seeing a car headed the wrong way down a one-way street coming right at you? There are a number of explanations that pop into one's head in this situation, and roughly 98.7% of them are bad.

It's early, and I have "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day in my head (Why? Like I have any friggin' idea! Stupid head!).

Here's my weird "I'm a naive dope sometimes" story of the week. I took the bus to the O's game on Monday. When I got off it on the way back, I was walking home, and I heard an "excuse me" from behind. I turned around, and there was this young lady walking behind me. She explained that she was new in town, and asked if she could walk with me.Now, I don't live in a horrible neighborhood, but it's fairly close to some bad stuff. That's just the city ... one block, it's white bread and smiles, the next block, Crack City. So, I asked her where she was headed, and she told me the address, which is essentially Crack City Central, and was also a good 10 blocks from where she had gotten off the bus.

Turns out, she spoke very little English, so we took some time trading my broken Spanish with her broken English. Think of a cat conversing with a dog in Yiddish, and you get the idea. Man, this story is getting long. Anyway, I explained the situation, how it probably wasn't the brightest idea to be bopping around the neighborhoods by yourself at night, especially if you're a female walking alone, and especially if there's a chance you could get lost, and offered to give her a ride. She accepted.

So, I drove her to this Royal Farms where her friend worked and dropped her off, and that's the last I saw of her. That's pretty much the end of the story ... hmm ... maybe I should make something up, like her pimp started chasing me, or we fell madly in love and are getting married tomorrow. The story kinda lacks some punch, eh? But, I figure I get my good samaritan award for the week, and didn't get a single bullet hole in my car. I'm 2 for 2.

A'ight, peeps, have a great weekend, and do everything I would do! That'll spice up your life!


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