Monday, April 25, 2005

Face lickin' ... 'nuff said ...
Current mood: Um, do you have to guess at my mood on Monday?

Ok, I've got a rant or two today, but we'll keep it kinda light before I get to that. So, since I promised Miss Cherie that I would do this, I have to post this hilarious part of a text message she sent me. Here 'tis

...btw my date last nite licked my face i am never dating again stop laughing

So, I've just recently stopped laughing from that one. Apparently, it was a FULL face lick, too. I mean, what's hotter than that? Heh.

As for the rest of the weekend, it was the usual shenanigans. Visited a total of 9 establishments in two nights, which is actually pretty low for me. I'm very proud of myself ... maybe I'm turning over a new leaf! Nah. One minor highlight was watching one of my spin class instructors fire up cig after cig in one of the bars. I mean, I think she had smoke coming out of her ears at one point. I take her class tonight ... stay tuned.

One other comical thing ... I went out for drinks with some of our research assistants on Friday. So, I met them about an hour after they got to the bar, and one of them couldn't even see me when I got there, he was so drunk. Of course, being the responsible adults they are, they continued to buy him drinks until he had to be carried out of the bar. Beautiful. I'd imagine his Saturday morning was not so good.

I also tried out something new this weekend - this stuff called Chaser, which is supposed to help with hangovers. It seemed to work ok, but it took me a long time to catch a buzz on Friday. I'm not sure that's the effect I was looking for.

Ok, now for the rants:

1) Do not believe everything you read on the Internet. There isn't a place that makes bonsai kittens, Bill Gates is not going to send you money for forwarding an email, and you're not going to die if you don't re-post a bulletin. Jeez, people, how dense can ya get?

2) Along those lines, an electronic device like a computer isn't spiritual. If you really believe in the karma of a computer, and that you'll receive spiritual goodies just for forwarding something, you need to get back in touch with what spirituality is all about.

3) Idiot move at the gym. I'm doing a set of something, and some guy decides to stand right between me and the mirror. Now, I don't really care about the mirror part - I'm experienced enough to know my form is good, and I already know I look good (heh, just kiddin'). But, I don't want to look at YOU while I'm doing my workout, dumbass. If you're female and attractive, that's a different story. Get out of the way!

4) With respect to the above, that's probably my gay magnet working again. This is the first weekend in 2 months that I haven't gotten hit on by a guy. Now, THAT, I am proud of. Not sure what I did differently, but I'm going to keep doing it. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

A'ight, that's enough for now. Hope you're enjoying your Monday ... bleh.


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