Friday, April 29, 2005

Boyz N, Columbia, pee stories
Current mood: snackalicious

So, I watched most of Boyz N The Hood last night, which always screws up my vocabulary for a few days. I find myself calling everyone "G", as in "What up, G?", and cussing a lot more. Since I live alone with 2 cats, that can be a bit odd.

"Oh, you want some mofo food?"
"What up, G? Is the mofo litter box full?"

That sorta thing. The doctors in my office aren't too keen on being called "G", either, so I have to temper it. Always good to watch it just before a weekend, so you can wear it out on people you don't know. Women in bars loved to be called "G".

Well, Steph is out on Survivor. I lost my friggin' eye candy. Good thing is, she'll be all cleaned up on the jury now. Yahoo! Found out she lives in Philly, too. Road trip!

Weezer is on HFS right now. Have I told you I'm friends with Weezer? Well, in myspace world, we are good pals. Say it ain't sooooo ...

I'm being dragged to Columbia tonight to see a Led Zep cover band. Now, if you've never been to Columbia, and you're being dragged there, jump out of the car. I'm not kidding. I don't care how fast it is traveling, it's worth the medical bills not to go there. I used to live there, and it couldn't be more boring. As a cherry on the sundae, I won't be able to drink, since I have to drive back (it's about a 20 minute trip). Magnifique! So, Friday is pretty much shot to hell. Maybe I'll try out obnoxious pick up lines on women just for laughs. Did you wash your jeans in Windex? Cuz I can see myself in them. You know, that sorta thing.

So, I'm in the john the other day takin' a whizz, and this guy comes in and starts using the urinal next to me. He manages, somehow, to hit himself right in the shoe. Now, dude seemed to be pretty sober to me, so I thought it was a little odd, but whatever. We hit the sinks to wash up, and he mentions it and we start laughing. We then get into stories on that ilk. I told him about the time I dropped my keys in there and had to fish them out, and he related a similar story where he dropped his glasses in there. I didn't really drop my keys in there, but I wanted him to feel like he wasn't alone, ya know? Nuttin' like bonding in the men's room.

Along similar lines, we were at Pickle's one night, and it was kinda slow. In the men's room, the urinal had backed up and was full of ... well, you know ... piss n vinegar, as it were. Used beer. So, I thought it'd be a good idea to see how many dollars you had to put in there before someone would fish them out. The answer? Four. Four bucks to go digging around in pee. Sweet! The moral? Never put your money where your mouth is ... you don't know where that money has been! Hmm ... I could change a stripper's entire night with that information. Eh, may as well save it for now ...

Happy weekend to ya'll!


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