Thursday, April 28, 2005

Blog Song, lazy spin class instructors, cleverity
Current mood: DRIFTY!

Ok, sing the Blog Song along with me! Ready?

It's Blog, it's blog, it's fun, it's a wonderful toy
It's Blog, it's blog, it's fun for a girl and a boy

Hmm. I think the Slinky folks might be contacting me soon. Or maybe they'll just send their lawyer over to rough me up. If I hear "this here's the Slinky lawyer! Open up!" at the front door at any point this week, I'm going out the back door. I'll let the cats deal with that dude.

Cats are actually pretty good negotiators, until the can of tuna fish shows up. Then, they totally cave. Silly felines.

So ... anyway ... it's Thursday, which is one day away from Friday, which is the weekend, doncha know. Now, one of our research assistants asked me the other day if I work for the weekend. Um, DUH! I mean, I like my job, but even if I loved my job, I don't think I'd like it better than:

1) petting cats
2) the endorphine rush after a good workout
3) women (actually, that should probably be first, but I'm trying to be discreet)
4) riding my bike on the waterfront at the end of a perfect day
5) waking up and listening to the rain
6) hearing your favorite song (currently "Mr Brightside" by The Killers) at your favorite bar just as the buzz is kickin' in
7) eatin' food
8) cookin' food
9) um, food
10) did I mention women yet?

Ok, so the point is, there are tons of things I'd prefer to do instead of working. So, I like my job, but I love my life. Kinda like "love your pets, just don't LOVE your pets".

Ok, I have no idea if that made any sense, or what the point of it was.

Someone stole my lunch at work yesterday. So, mystery co-worker, I hope you enjoyed my 2-day old fajita wrap that I made at home and brought to work. Just to let you know, I was probably scratching something on myself as I was making it, and I usually lick everything before I package it up. That'll learn 'em to take my food. Eh, it's more than likely that the housekeeping people tossed it, but it's more funny this way ... at least in my mind.

My word of the day ... cleverity. I'm pretty sure I just made that up, although Google seems to pull some sites up that use it. Guess I should've patented it, but I'm not even sure what I want it to mean. Never mind.

So, I gave my spin class instructor the business yesterday. She drove all of 3 blocks to get to the gym - she passed me on my bike on the way. WTF? I asked her if she was going to drive her dog to the dog park later, which is 2 blocks away. She laughed, and then added another 10 minutes to the class. D'oh!

Another new word ... drifty! Eat a lot of MSG, then try to work. You'll understand what it means.

Best of luck to my friend Karen in the Kinetic race. Apparently, she's going as a cowgirl. Insert your own joke here. Hopefully, you won't be racin' in the rain!


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