Thursday, May 05, 2005

Ole!, pissed, man cryin'
Current mood: drowning in dehydration

Happy Cinco de Mayo to ya! Ya know, I'm not really all that big into this holiday, but I figure if I make enough noise, maybe someone in DC will turn it into a national holiday, and I'll get the day off! Aren't I a manipulative SOB? Um, don't answer that question.

To celebrate it, I'm going to the gym, doing laundry, and watching Survivor. In other words, the same thing I always do on Thursday. Maybe I'll speak broken Spanish to the cats all night. That'll teach 'em to wake me up at 3 am.

Lemony Snicket. Haven't seen the movie, but isn't that just fun to say? Try it. See?

How comical is it that people in England use "pissed" as their word for drunk? I think I'm using that from now on here, just to really mess with people. You know, "I got really pissed last night," then just watch the wheels turn in their head as to whether they want to ask me why or not.

I'm somewhat ashamed to admit this, but I like a Kelly Clarkson song. Let's move on ... quickly.

Ok, I'll admit it. I almost cry ever friggin' time I watch Good Will Hunting. The interesting thing about the almost cry thing is that I CAN'T cry. I've been so conditioned as a man NOT to cry that I actually can't do it. I tear up, but then they just dry up and go away. I guess my acting career is over. I'm sure Joaquin Phoenix feels safer now.

So, last night, I'm cooking out, and my three little stray cat buddies are hanging around in the neighbor's yard. I kept hearing this squeaking noise, and I finally realized they had caught a mouse. Now, those of you with cats, and maybe some without, probably know that they are incredibly cruel creatures. Cute and furry on your couch, Charles Mansonish in the hunting world. They have a tendency to "play" with their prey, sometimes for hours. Ugh. But, since I couldn't go hopping into my neighbor's yard, I couldn't really help the mouse, and then there's the whole "natural order of things" going on as well. Not the best of dinnertime events.

They are three of the most beautiful cats you'll see, though. They each stare directly at you with big, bright eyes, have very similar markings, and have similar personalities with their own unique little tweaks. Pretty fun stuff to watch as the sun goes down over the city.


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