Thursday, March 31, 2005

Braille at ATMs and lame friends (hey, that rhymes!)

So, I've put out an ad for a new wingman/woman. Apparently, in the 2+ years I was in a relationship, my friends have all turned LAME. Cripes. Either they don't go out at all, or when they do, it's only until 9 or 10 or so, and I'm a big time night owl.

Ok, I didn't really put out an ad, I just like complaining about it. I really enjoy being single and meeting new people ... if there's someone to go out with. Going out alone is a little weird. Stupid friends.

Ok, for all of you that keep asking that question about why drive up banks have Braille on the ATMs, here's your answer ... blind people take TAXIs, and access the machine from the back seat. I can't believe I'm the first person to figure this out. Well, except for the folks at the bank, of course.

Sleepy Time tea. Um, doesn't most tea have caffeine in it? Isn't that contrary to "sleepy time" for most of us? This has confused me for some time.

I get to do observation again today. I'm doing the blog now, because I'm almost afraid of what I'm going to see. Luckily, I think this is the last time. Tomorrow, I get to report my findings. I think I'm going to leave all the weird stuff from the previous blog out. Just a hunch.

Next purchase on the list - a gas grill. Now, I have one of those indoor Foreman jobs, although it ain't Foreman's, it's some generic brand. I don't know that I can give money to a dude that names all 7 of his kids George. Cripes. Does he just call them by number, or just wait until they all show up and grab the one he wants? So, anyway, I'm trying to figure out just how dumb it is to throw $100+ bucks into an outdoor grill when I have an indoor grill. Of course, I'm the dope that just bought a crock pot ... whatever the hell that's supposed to do. My guess is I'll buy the grill simply because spending money gives me some sort of perverse pleasure. It's like watching the Surreal Life on TV, minus the boobs (by boobs, I'm talking about the people, not the actual boobs).

Ok, I'm off to do my observations. Here's hoping I don't see any of you there.


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