Sunday, March 27, 2005

Bunny Hop

Hey, it's Easter Sunday. Other than not having to go to work, that ain't all that exciting. In fact, my friggin' gym closed early today, so I can't even go work out. Yippee.

Well, somebody woke up grumpy today!

That's my other voice talking in my head. Most days, we have some interesting conversations. Today is NOT one of those days.

So ... anyway, now that you're totally weirded out, here's my music tip of the day. Go buy (or steal, depending on your personal values) a song called "Texas" by a dude named Chris Rea. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. The guy's got an absolutely amazing voice, and the song is one of those sit back, relax, and chill sorta things. Quality.

I think it's a music discussion day. The Garden State soundtrack is another good listen. I particularly like 3 songs ... and I'm probably going to totally screw up the names/artists because I was up until 4 last night drunk emailin'. Let's see ... there's a song by a band named Zero 7, which is a floaty little piece of work with some sassy lady singin' the lead. Then, there's a little guitar pickin' ditty by a guy named Nick Drake, with a little piano behind it. Finally, a song called "Blue Eyes" which always reminds me of an ex GF. I'm not sure why that matters, but the song's good. Those three are the ones you'll need to pass the test. What test you ask? I haven't quite figured that out yet.

My cat says hello. Actually, he says hello to EVERYONE, over and over and over again. His sister never speaks. I guess he talks enough for the both of them. If you ever decide to get cats, get two. It's daily entertainment watching them interact. They have this ongoing battle over one of the blankets on my couch. Apparently, in cat world, that blanket is like friggin' Eden or something.

Hmm ... now I have the Nick Drake song stuck in my head. Lovely. Ok, I did a bulletin board post on this, but I had to put it in my blog, because it makes me laugh every time I think about it. Here's the story, morning glory:

My buddy Ricky was at Preakness one year, and this TOTALLY wasted dude came stumbling by. He tripped on something (probably a blade of grass - those things can be trippy), and did a complete and total FACEPLANT on the ground. I mean, dude was so blotto, he didn't even lift a finger to break his fall ... like a fish falling into a boat. Flop.So, he wallows there for 10 seconds or so, then finally manages to drag his ass back to some semblance of verticality. He turns to the group of folks Ricky was with, he's got a nice piece of sod stuck to his forehead, grass in his teeth, and utters this classic line, which we use CONSTANTLY:


Then, he stumbled off. To this day, he's a legend. Bless, you my grass-eatin', floppy-bodied bretheren. You are what makes life worth livin'!

Nerd bulletin point of the week. I managed to break my glasses last week. Dunno if you even wear glasses, but there's this little teeny tiny screw that hold the ... uh, arm ... um, together with the ... uh, frame? Hell, I don't know what the parts are called. Anyway, so apparently, you need a magic tiny screwdriver to get this screw back into the ... uh, joint? Screwholder? Whatever. So, I guess I have to go find a miniature shop or something that sells miniature screwdrivers. Maybe I can get them to miniaturize my Visa bill while I'm there. The reason this is a nerd bulletin is that I'm currently holding the ... uh, joint ... together with a paperclip now. I mean, am I the height of coolness, or what?

If you're even in the Baltimore area, check out a restaurant called Gecko's on Fleet Street. Really, really good stuff. You won't be disappointed. Maybe I'll get a discount for the free advertising.

It's 1:00 in the afternoon. It might be time to go back to bed.


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