Friday, November 17, 2006

Gimme a C! Gimme an A! Gimme an N! Ah, screw it, I'm not smart enough to figure out how you spell Cancun. Anyway ... I'm going there this week, leaving tomorrow. Woot-o-rama!

Let's see ... a quickie weekend recap before I split. Friday was Portside's second birthday party, which gave me a much needed excuse to drink. I have a hard time coming up with reasons. Before I hit the joint, stopped in at Nacho Mama's for a couple drinks. Have to warm up the liver, doncha know.

Here's a thought ... if you're giving someone who's been drinking a bar tab, try not to make it some weird number, like $19.89. It took me a good 5 minutes to figure out the tip. No wonder I sucked on my Accounting midterm.

Portside was hecka fun. Crowded in the back, quiet in the front. I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere, but it's Sunday night, and I'm on the double hangover. I'm pretty sure I closed the place, but I'm also pretty sure I don't remember closing the place. See how that works?

A tip here. IF, and I'm not saying I did this, but IF you happen to fall asleep on someone's bathroom floor, and IF it's a tile floor, and IF it's absolutely freezing and the tile is like ice, be sure to grab a couple of towels to use as blankets. IF that should happen to you sometime. Just sayin'.

Started off Saturday at a house party, which was pretty cool. The only problem was there was this little hottie there, and she was in quite a bad mood. Found out later that she and her ex boyfriend were there, and neither knew the other was going to be there. Nice! Surprise! Heh. I also called an English girl a "friggin' Limey" and mentioned to her that we kicked their ass in the war. Ok, I was kiddin' around, but I'm not sure she got the humor. Friggin' Limeys.

Got back to the city, and it was kind of a lamefest out. One of those nights when all the fun people stay home. It happens. Naturally, I tried out every bar in town before finally giving up. I did get to show to someone who doubts the genius of the pizza briefcase why it's a necessary invention. That's right, I made her carry the pizza home. It was great watching her struggle with the box. Ha!

So, there's this cat, see, and he tends to like wing sauce. So, I got some wings and since he likes the sauce so much, I decided to pet him with a wing. You read that right. That might be near the top of my list of odd things I've done, but it was quite comical at the time. Must get some video on that soon. He was not only incredibly clean after a full washing, but quite happy as well.

One note from the weekend: "Gum that tastes like Rumplemintz." Mmm, yeah, that's really not much of a selling point for the Wrigley people.

A'ight, yinz, I'm off like a prom dress in 8 hours. ARRRRRRIBA! Happy Thanksgiving and whatnot ...


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