Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I'm curious. It's not a good sign if the bartender you've been practicing kissing skills with chases you down on the street - not to give you a good night's kiss but to give you your credit card back? Yeah, I kinda figured that.

So, looks like I'm going to Mexico for a few days around Thanksgiving for some R&R. That's Rest and Relaxation, although it could easily be Rum and Rum. The best part is this will give me a chance to use my busted up, JV, heinky Spanish skills. F'rinstance, I could easily see this happening:

Mean to say: Where the women at?
Actually say: Where are the pregnant, married prostitutes?

MTS: Where's the bathroom?
AS: Can I pee on your dog?

MTS: Can I have change for a dollar?
AS: Can I have a quarter for my dollar?

MTS: I'm from Baltimore, and I'm 39.
AS: I'm from prison, and I have 39 STDs.

Two notes from last weekend:

"Dinner is after the bars close"

We're at happy hour, and everyone and their mother decides it's time for dinner. Dinner?! What the hell? So, naturally, I get stuck by myself in what I like to call No Man's Land. Basically, that's from 8-10, when everyone's at dinner, and I'm at the bar hanging out with the 3 other people in the bar waiting for people to show up. I might have to start going to the gym during that time or something.

So, anyway, dinner is after the bars close. Know it. Learn it. Love it.

"Auto flush 5 times"

I'm in some joint, and I go to the whizzer. As I'm standing there, the friggin' thing flushes 5 times. Mmm, not really all that helpful for my pants and ... uh ... equipment ... to get a shower at happy hour. At least not in the bathroom or without a female present.

Not much of a weekend recap here, mainly because it's so long ago now that I don't really remember. I did have some fun on Saturday chasing, and I think there was even a half assed sort of catch in there at some point. A tip - pizza is very good bait after midnight.

Speaking of catches, I like to call this blurb the great cat catch at the SPCA. I'm there on Saturday, and I've got one of the furs out and he's hanging out on the counter. I'm checking something else out for a moment with my head turned, and someone comes busting in the door. Furboy decides he's going to make a break for it, and I make one of the greatest cat catches in the history of ... uh ... catching cats. I wish I had it on video or something. It was basically a one leg, off balance lunging snag of a cat in midair. Ok, so this story is useless without images. Forget it!

Been listening to the Grey's Anatomy 2 soundtrack, which is pretty good, but sounds very similar to the first one. Check out a song called Kaboom! by Ursula 2000, though. It's hilarious. Generally, being a music snob, I turn my nose up at silly songs, but this one cracks me up. A warning ... be prepared to be saying "Hello Baby" in an odd voice for a few days after a listen.

Dudes in my head planning the day's itinerary. Hmm ... I think I'm going to save that one for the next blog.

Working this dog festival on Saturday from 1-5 at the Can Company in Canton. Come by and watch me freeze my ass off! Yeah!


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