Thursday, October 05, 2006

Sklurg! Oh yah, the new Beck is TERIFF! That's right, I just used "teriff" in a sentence. CHA! Now, what was I saying? Oh, yes, the Beck. Drives me nuts when I interrupt myself. Like right there. And now. And this right here. Stop it!

So, best tunes, in order ... I'm going with "Soldier Jane" (the ending is pretty hecka cool), "The Information" (has sort of an ominous feel to it), and "Think I'm In Love" (fairly basic tune driven by a neat little bass hook). Beck's one of the few artists, and this includes the Foo Fighters, that I can pick up a new CD and immediately get deep into it. I imagine I'll get hit by a Dave Grohl bolt of lightning soon.

Weekend recap. Funny thing is, I noted on Saturday that I don't even need to DO anything anymore ... this stuff just writes itself. I just go out, stand around, occasionally do something dumb (we'll get to that in a bit), and then go home. It's quite fascinating. To the notes!

Note #1: "Must beat up handwarmer guy"

Ok, is there seriously a worse invention than the handwarmer thing in the bathroom? Seriously! I mean, the only thing that could be worse is if someone invented a stick to poke yourself in the eye while you're trying to dry your hands. Oh, and Peeps. Yeah, those nasty li'l marshmallow things that come around every Easter. On the list of bad inventions, it goes (1) Peeps and (2) handwarmer thing.

Note #2: "3rd version of Jim's shirt"

I wrote about Jim's shirt a few blogs back. I saw a third version this weekend - same colors and design, but the collar was different or something. This thing is unbelievable. Actually, THAT might be the worst invention, moving Peeps and the handwarmer thing down one notch. The beauty is that there are now 3 dudes walking around wearing these things. Oy.

Note #3: "Girl who knows my name - no clue who she is"

This was at Claddaugh. I think. For some reason, I felt the need to note this, maybe thinking that it would spring my memory later. Nope.

Note #4: "Premature departure - out of booze!"

Obviously, these are in reverse chronological order. I'm at the house before I head out, rockin', and the bottle of Captain has the nerve to go empty on me. I also realize that I used the emergency bottle that I stowed at the HN's a few months ago. I'm completely dry! Talk about panic time. I literally ran to the Square. Yes, I've got issues.

An aside - I just got a call that started out "Please hold for a very important call." I hung up. Um, if it was THAT important, I wouldn't be on hold, would I? Nimbitzes.

Ok, so for the dumb Jack part. I think I'm just going to go with the short version of this. Absolutely beautiful woman that I've been digging for some time, Portside, asks me to come outside to talk to her, I haven't the slightest idea what we discussed. I mean, this was about a 20 minute conversation, and it's completely gone. All I remember is she had on this black dress that was quite striking. Hmm ... might be time to start mixing in a water here and there!

As a bonus, I see her at the gym on Monday, and she gives me a smile. I'm not sure if it was a good or bad smile, either. Fascinating. I think it might be time to go back to this strategy:

Do you like me? Check one box


I figure at least that way, I'll have a written record. Plus, that might be a legal binding document.

On my way home, I apparently had a long phone conversation with a li'l darling who lives in Philly about what she was wearing to bed. This conversation took place on the steps of a local hair salon, as it was raining and I was taking cover under the awning. We all know how good I am with phones in the rain. I told ya ... this stuff just writes itself.

So, this weekend is the Fell's Point Festival. Biggest party of the year in Baltimore. Huge event. Can someone explain to me why I'm going to DC on Saturday night? Stupid friends, that's why. If the weather's decent, I get to work the SPCA table from 10-3, so that'll be fun at least.

Check this out. I also got a hilarious drunk message at 3:22 am on Saturday. This is pretty much verbatim:

Yo! You're f****** up, kid ... azzbl siznog I'm hammered ... It's 3:20 ... on my way home ... bout to spill ... I don't even remember ... frbl sintly bruble whatever ...
Anyway ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhholler! ... peace out ...

That's right ... someone was actually more drunk than I was! HA!


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