Sunday, September 03, 2006

Wanna know what it's like being me? Two examples.

A friend noted that she saw me out running yesterday. Had my running shoes on, my workout clothes, you know ... running stuff. Um, I was running to the liquor store.

Story #2. This was a conversation I had with a woman in a bar recently:

She: Yeah, we hooked up once at your place.
Me: [blank look]
She: You don't remember?
Me: [clearly not remembering] Um, sure! Of course I do! Wanna go make out?
She: [blank look]

I spent most of Saturday night trying to decipher the text messages I was receiving. It was kind of cool in a Sherlock Holmes/Scrappy Doo detective sort of way. I'd get a text, not recognize the number because I had a new phone and had to re-do all my numbers, and have to figure out who was sending it. So, if you got some really weird responses, there ya go. Mmm, well, weirder than normal.

I'm trying really hard to remember what else I did on Saturday, but I'm coming up empty. I went to the gym, tried to sell some cats, and then ... um ... I went out. How's that? I'm sure something happened in the 6 hours I was out, but I got nuttin'. I do know that I delivered a late night pizza to someone, and that I woke up in my own bed. Let's just move to Sunday.

Actually, I do remember one conversation from Saturday night that was somewhat comical. It was a recap of a conversation I had with a young lady a few months ago, in which she told me that she reads my blogs and that I "just want to be loved." So, for you Hitchhiker fans, there's only one conclusion from this ... I'm a Vogon! I'm not sure how I'm taking this news at this point.

One other note ... Steve has taken to delivering my drinks at Portside Old West style. It's pretty comical ... he'll be a little bit down the bar, and slide it down to me. I'll be chatting with someone, look down, and here comes the booze. Yes, I am easily amused, thank you.

For whatever reason, I was all fired up about Sunday. Big time. Started at the Bay Cafe, which quickly got packed. They also were playing the absolute worst music I've ever heard in a bar. It was like a cross between trance and the stuff they play in elevators. Fortunately, that gave me an excuse to drink ... like I needed one.

A couple of highlights from the rest of the night:

- I saw the lip gloss woman from Friday night, said hello, and she had no idea who I was. Hey, at least I remember the women I kiss. Most of them. Some of them. Anyway.

- I closed the Square. It was pretty cool ... I was actually one of the last people to leave. I'm not sure if I remembered to turn out the lights, though.

- Around 3 am, I rolled into my neighborhood. What I did from 2 to 3 is anyone's guess. I still had my shirt on, though, which was a step up from Friday night.

- I woke up around 6 am asleep on the futon in my back bedroom, aka The Cat Room. This is a bit odd because I started out in the front bedroom with someone beside me. Naturally, my first reaction was "what did I do wrong to end up back here?" Yeah. Turns out I just made a wrong turn coming out of the bathroom. I guess. That, or I wanted to hang out with the cats.

Taking the act on the road this weekend. Headed to South Bend for the Notre Dame/Penn State game. So, if you know anyone in the greater South Bend area ... actually, might just want to cover all of the Northern Indiana area the way things are going lately ... you might want to warn them of my impending arrival.

So it goes ...


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