Saturday, July 15, 2006

Yumble bumble ... Jacky feels like ... um ... ok, so I don't have anything that rhymes with bumble that means hell. I'm currently working my ass off drinking Airborne so that I can go out tonight. It'll be a game time decision.

Ok, first of all, Cat Capture Weekend has been a furtastic success. Spent today at the vets with the shorties, then at the SPCA with the adults. Managed to catch both adults, too. My neighbor (not the hot one, the other one) noted that she was going to hire me to cat her rats. Um ... yeah. So, pickup of the adults is tomorrow and they get released on Monday. The shorties are all currently hiding under various furniture in their new homes. Pipsqueaks.

Let's see ... last night's recap ... let's go to the notes!

Note #1
"Nice deck, dudes!"

So, I'm walking to the bar, and a couple of dudes that are on a rooftop deck holler down at me noting that I'm walking with a drink. I note that it's Coke (wink wink), and then I say the above line ... realizing a moment later that I have to enunciate one of those words quite clearly in order to avoid an odd situation. Ok, it seemed funny at the time. Let's go forward, shall we?

Note #2
"Two killer dogs"

On the same walk, I pass this dude who is a pretty big guy, and he's walking the two smallest dogs I've ever seen. They might have been miniature chihuahuas or something. Bizarre stuff. 'Course, they start barking as I get close, and I look up, chuckle, and note that they're a couple of killers. Friggin' tiny dogs. They also reminded me of Meano, the dog who pees when petted likes to bite my shin. Oy.

Note #3
"I don't have camera phone!"

If one more hottie texts me to ask if I have camera phone, I'm gonna ... well ... hmm ... ok, I'm not going to do anything, because what's better than having hotties text you? I actually considered getting it at one point just to see these pictures, but then I went back to my original point for not getting it. I really don't want to have any proof of what I do after midnight. I'm smart, I tell ya ... start believin' it.

Note #4
"Pull up the tube top"

Ok, I like tube tops. I mean, I'm not a huge fan of them ... there are other outfits I prefer, like short shorts and a sports bra, or an entire outfit designed by Victoria's Secret, or yoga pants ... mmm, yoga pants ... but tube tops can work for me on the right person. But, in my buzzy haze last night, I noticed that they seem to be a pretty big struggle for the women wearing them. I'm talking to this one girl, and here's the sequence ... drink, smoke, pull up tube top ... drink, smoke, chat, pull up tube top ... drink, smoke ... well, you get the idea. And that, folks, is the reason guys rule ... cuz we don't have to putz around with tube tops.

As for the night, it was a'ight ... the above mentioned issue with health knocked me out a bit. Ran into Leah Hot, but she was way too sober to flirt with me. Saw Miss Camille on the Square, but by that point, I had a Quizno's sub in my hand and was on my way home. It's kinda hard to go into bars with Quizno's in your hand ... might get mugged by hungry drunks. It also seemed that every bar I hit was around a billion degrees inside. It's a little tough to talk to women when you're sweating like Tom Cruise at a Sane People Convention.

Oh and I felt kinda naked without my necklace on ... er, chain. The new ones need to get here pronto, Tonto!


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