Friday, June 23, 2006

Ok, so it's not exactly a secret that I'm a little wacked. But, I think I'm taking it to a whole new extreme. This was the song in my head when I woke up on Wednesday:

That coyote is really a crazy clown,
When will he learn he never can mow him down?

That's right, people. I had the theme song to the Road Runner cartoon in my head. Are you friggin' kiddin' me? Let's move on ... quickly.

Got woken up by some serious thunder last night. At one point, it was so loud that I thought Roseanne and Louie Anderson were having sex while falling down the stairs somewhere. There's your visual for the day. You're welcome.

I got my Verizon Wireless bill, and it's a little disturbing. I went over my text message allotment by 500 ... and I have 1000 in the allotment. 'Course, being the stats geek I am, I had to crunch some numbers. That's around 375/week, which is over 50 a day. Um ... yeah. Maybe I should work on my interpersonal relationships more ... or make actual phone calls. Funny thing is, when I got the phone, I laughed when they asked me if I wanted texting ability. My response? Why do I need text messaging when I can just call the person? D'oh!

But, on that note, fun with text messages! This was my personal favorite from the past weekend. Please note that the sender lives in Brewer's Hill and the Domino's sign is on the other side of the harbor, for those of you not familiar with (C)harm City:

I'm behind the domino sign ... And I not swim home


The Saturday recap involves one word - Goutfest! What's Goutfest, you ask? I'm glad you did. Let's see if I can describe it. I have a good buddy who is quite possibly the tallest Filipino I've ever known - I think he's around 6'3". It's kinda like a fat Asian dude with red hair - pretty rare. Anyway, apparently, he has issues with gout, and he gets gout (or "dagout" as we like to call it) from eating too much salty food and drinking too much booze. Therefore, Goutfest is born. It's basically a party where he does all the evil stuff he's not supposed to do.

This was also an anniversary of sorts for me. At last year's Goutfest, I ended up in the back seat of my car with this toasty woman for an extended makeout session ... at 5 pm or so ... and I wasn't even drunk. People were walking into the party and noting that we were outside getting it on. I'm quite proud. 'Course, I sent her a text to note the anniversary.

Fur update ... the shorties have taken to growling when I pick them up. Doesn't make them any scarier, just funnier. We're 3 weeks from trapping weekend, which should be a rocking good time. Oof. As a bonus, Cracker (that's Cracker, not Uncle Kracker, damnit!) is coming to the 9:30 Club the night of the trapping. Dag.

I have a new insult word, since dorknerd didn't seem to take off. Nimbitz! It's a cousin of nimrod. I might have to do a focus group to see if it catches on.

The Aqua Bar has re-opened! If you dunno, that's the club in my gym that's cheesier than a piece of cheese ... with nacho sauce on it ... in a vat of cheese ... hmm ... ok, this isn't really working. Anyway, it's a Jabroni-fest in there. The funny thing is, there's this hecka hot that wants to go there with me, and I might have to oblige. I'd swim through cheese for a hecka hot. Another visual for ya.

Weekend coming! You've been warned!


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