Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Humma Kavula!

That's right. I watched the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ... again ... this week. I believe that's my 50th viewing or so. I'm not proud. I just can't get enough of that flick - Sam Rockwell cracks me up. I'm humming the theme song right now ... so long, thanks for all the fish! And all you yahoos that want to tell me how much better the book is, put a sock in it. I'm even thinking of using "Humma Kavula!" as my new phrase for excitement. You've been warned.

Another phrase that needs to be used more ... "not for nuttin'." Here are some examples of use:

Not for nuttin', but your chocolate is in my peanut butter.
Not for nuttin', but I just dropped my crack pipe and a cop picked it up.
Not for nuttin', but your ass is on fire ... literally.
... and so forth. Get started.

Haven't done this in awhile ... let's have some fun with junk emails!

- Got an email from someone named "Vinyl Siding". I deleted it, because I don't know anyone by that name. I can assure you, however, that if I did know someone by that name, I'd tease them endlessly about it. Unless they were huge. Or a hot woman. Or both.

- Got an email from some person with the subject "Wanna F#ck?" I'm not really sure what this f#ck is, but I'm guessing maybe it's feck, and the # was a typo. Now I just have to figure out what feck means, to determine if it's something I want to do with this random, unknown emailer. Feckin-A.

So, I have this fake fishtank sorta thing on my desk. It's got bubbles and a couple of fake fish in it and some other nonsense, and the fish float around and around. It's quite the scene. The beauty is the other day, someone came up and told me they thought there were real fish in there. Um, the huge pink seahorse and the shark with the smiley face didn't give it away? I mean, I can understand them thinking that maybe the 4" dolphins were real, but c'mon. Nimbitz.

Strangely enough, I don't have much for a weekend recap. I didn't go out on Saturday, I chilled in DC with some friends on Friday, and Sunday it rained ... and then it rained some more ... and finally, it rained. I absolutely love rain, and I'm sick of rain. I won't even watch Rain Man. Yeah, definitely won't watch Rain Man. Yeah. 'Course, I'm an excellent swimmer.

How's this for pathetic ... lots of people sit in front of their sets and watch TV. I sit in front of my basement stairs and watch kittens. I just spent 20 minutes watching them eat and fall asleep. What entertainment! We're under 3 weeks and counting for the Weekend of the Great Capture. I like to be overly dramatic. I'm also going to miss the Cracker show in DC because it's the same night as Capture Night. Dag. Luckily, my boys are coming to Annapolis to toss their hillbilly slangish country-rock ditties around. Woot!

They have some new sorta Reese's out now ... it's in bar shape or something. Ok, basically, the Reese's conglomerate could mold their peanut butter cups into any shape, and I'd likely eat it. Roseanne's ass. A bug. Steven Tyler's nostil hair. It doesn't matter - if it has the name Reese's on it, I have to try it. Ridiculous.


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