Sunday, July 09, 2006

Burn, baby, burn ... disco inferno! Don't you wish you had my mind? That's what's cruising through there right now. In my mind, I'm doing the John Travolta finger point move and cruising the flashing tile dance floor in my white suit. I work hard on my hair, and he hit my hair!

Saw a preview for Clerks 2, which reminds me of one of the best movie lines ever, from the first Clerks, which I don't use nearly enough.

I believe in the philosophy of a ruling class. Especially since I rule.

Problem is, I always manage to screw that line up somehow, which really kinda nullifies the whole idea. I mean, if you're going to hack someone else's humor, ya gotta get it right, eh?

Forgot a few tasty tidbits from the weekend:

- They are now charging a $5 cover to get into Colburn's after a certain point in the evening. I literally laughed at the bouncer when he asked for it. Well, actually, at that point in time, I laughed at both of them, since I was seeing double.

- I also took a trip to this new club called Kamp just to check it out. After I was informed that my clothes weren't up to par for the dress code ... naturally, they let me in anyway because I'm such a hip cat ... I then was charged $7 for a drink at the bar, which caused more laughter ... although I paid, because I can't be sobering up, doncha know. As for the club itself, um, let's just say that you shouldn't go there sober or drunk ... that one might take some thought. Moving on ...

I have yet another brilliant idea which I'll never get produced because ... well, I'm not really sure why. I guess I expect people to come to me when I come up with these gems, and pay me for my brilliance. I think I just hurt my arm patting myself on the back. Anyway ... it's for cat folks - a bed where each corner is a scratching post. No more scratched up furniture! You heard me. Moving on again ...

I'm about to spend around $40 on 3 necklaces ... er, chains ... whatever. Anyway, I figure since the Hot Neighbor thinks I'm gay, I should keep up appearances, right? Naturally, I'll find the old ones as soon as the new ones show up.

This just in ... issues with women plus too much heat makes Jack crumpy. In case you're wondering, crumpy = cranky + grumpy. It's actually a term better used when women are being visited by Aunt Flo, but it seems to apply to me lately. Women ... can't live with 'em ... ah, never mind, I'll always love women.

Speaking of that, I'm talking to this hottie in the gym, and I mention to her that I heard a rumor that she was single. Her response? "Not yet!" Wouldn't you love to be that boyfriend? Eesh. I actually feel for the dude ...

Oh, here's a question - I know that women like to mark territory by forgetting things when they come over to your house, but does a scrunchy count? I mean, they cost somewhere around 4 cents. I'm not really sure what to do with it, either. I mean, if it's underwear (yes, that has happened) or a shirt or something, I'll save it to return to them. But a scrunchy? Hmm.

Had to walk around outside some today, and I had a grey shirt on with my tie. If you weren't outside, it was steamier than a Jenna Jameson movie (not that I know anything about that), so naturally, I was sweating like a pig ... with a sweater on ... and a pair of pig corduroy pants. What was I just talking about? Sorry, just got a visual of a pig with a sweater on and cords. Anyway. So, the grey shirt got all splotchy. It wasn't pretty, believe me. The best part is, I don't seem to sweat in the usual places. Most get it under the arms. I get it in the crook of my elbow. Go figure.

It's quite possible I might pull all my hair out trying to organize Cat Capture Weekend. Sounds like they won't have enough vets, so Squibble and Blimpy might not get fixed. Oy. I can't wait to have another litter in the stairs! Grr. They're cute and funny and sweet ... when they're domesticated. As ferals, they hiss at me, make a lot of nasty messes (leftover mice in the heat ... yum) and spill their water bowl every ... single ... day.

Ok, enough complaining ... back to the MUSIC!

The heat was on, rising to the top
Everybody's goin' strong and that is when my spark got hot
I heard somebody say burn baby burn!
Disco inferno!
Burn baby burn!
Burn that mother down!

Just wait ... you'll wake up tomorrow morning and it'll still be in your head. Woot!


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