Friday, June 16, 2006

That's right, it's 8:19 in the AM, and I'm writing a blog. I came very close to BWI last night ... that would be Blogging While Intoxicated ... but I became more interested in the pizza pretzel I was holding. The pizza pretzel - ruining men's concentration for decades!

Dunno if I have much of a recap from last night, cuz it was kinda boring. Apparently, Steve, the bartender at Portside, has taken every hot woman over the age of 25 to Dewey with him. And the next time it's College Night at Claddaugh's, could someone warn me? What's that? It's every night? Oh. That explains it.

So, a few weeks ago, the question was asked - do you drink in the shower? My response? Um, is there a better time to drink? I thought about doing the "does the Pope wear a funny hat?" thing, but I don't think the Pope's hat is all that funny. If he wore a floppy hat, that would be a funny hat. Kinda like a Gilligan Goes To Church sorta motif. Where was I? Ah, yes, the shower. Put on a playlist in iTunes and you can have a full party in there, I'm telling ya.

Let's go to the notes from last night:

"Burly dude singing It's Tricky" ... this was at Portside. There's this burly dude ... didn't I just say that? ... who knew every single word and was shoutin' it out. He's also pasty white, and generally wears a hat backwards, which just adds to the comedy.

"Pixie stix equals 69" ... you read that right. I have no idea. I think that might be from a few weeks ago. I wish I could remember, because it sounds like a load of fun! I mean, I like pixie stix and I like ... um, let's just move on.

"RHCP - Hey" ... go get the Peppers song Hey. Yes, yes, I know, you used to like them and now you don't and all that nonsense. Just do it. Trust me. It's mofo groovy.

So, I'm working my keister off trying to find a TNR program around here. That stands for Trap and Release, which is basically trapping a feral cat, having it spayed/neutered, then releasing it. Is there a more perfect program for people? Tom Cruise, front and center! I mean, he won't have any more offspring, it's likely he'll stay off of Oprah's couch, and he can still play himself in movies. Perfect.

Since Cherie couldn't seem to get this right last night, I've got a question for the dudes. I guess this could work for the women, too ... here it is. You're in a bar, you're drunk, and you see someone you dig. Would you prefer that person to be stone sober, as drunk as you, or hammered? Yes, this is a test and yes, you will be graded.

Worst commercial ever ... there's this Pepto Bismol one with these rappin' sorta dudes, and they're doing that stupid nauseau, upset stomach, diarre ... diarea ... I can't even spell diarrhea. Anyway, it's so damned bad it's hilarious. It's like I got into a time machine, went back to the movie Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, and someone has an upset stomach in it. Actually, that was likely most of the crowd after viewing the movie. And yes, I did see Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo ... in the theaters no less. I'm quite proud.


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