Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Well, I'm on day 3 of not going to work because of this (cover your ears) *$%&^@*! sinus infection. It's been quite fun. What I've realized:

- There is absolutely nothing on TV during the day. Zip. Zero. Nada. Bupkis. I actually thought about re-upping the Playboy Channel, just so I could see a decent movie. Nightmare. It's so bad, I actually watched Cocktail. Um ... yeah.

- It's been close to the inside of a volcano heatwise outside. 'Course, since I've barely left the house in 3 days, I've barely noticed.

- I actually miss work. There, I said it. So sue me. No, I'm not drunk.

So, anyway, since I've been sitting around doing nuttin', I ain't got a whole lot to discuss. I do, however, have a tidbit or two left over from the weekend.

I've decided to simplify my life. All new women I meet will have the same name. I met 3 different women this weekend that all had the same name. It was fantastic. One of them, who was extra hot, even had the same name as someone I went to high school with ... which sort of threw me at first. Then, I realized that she's cool and ... well, I think I mentioned that she's hot. Heh.

Quizno's is on the Square, and it's open until 2 am. Just noting that for the record ... not that I'd ever go there and get a Turkey sub and Doritos after the bars close. Not me. Never.

I got the new necklaces/chains in the mail, and they all kinda suck. Gah. The white one is too bright, and the other two are too scratchy. Looks like I'm going nude until I get back to the Bahamas. Well, nude meaning ... ah, it sounds better just to leave it at that.

Cat Capture Weekend was a huge success. I was hecka worried when Mom cat didn't show for a day, but she was back in the yard tonight, and Pop showed up as well. Both of them don't seem to have a hard feelings over us having their genetalia operated on. I have to say, they forgive and forget a lot easier than me. Put me in a cage and cut off my munchkins, and you won't be seeing me again, fo' sho'.

Started my class this week, too. Why is it that there's always one yahoo that wants to answer every single question in class, and rarely gets them right? Oy. Fun part is, 10% of my grade is class participation, and I haven't said a word yet. Friggin' nonsense. In this world, you should get extra credit for being quiet. I know the answers, it's just more fun to watch Yahoo Serious screw them up.

Want to see a cool, underrated movie? Check out Beautiful Girls. Ok, ok, ok, I know it's got Lauren Holly in it. I mean, that's pretty much where I fell head over heels in love with her, so it's not like I need to be told this. Darian Smalls. Mmm. Well, actually I fell in love with her in Dumb and Dumber, but she looks even hotter in Beautiful Girls. Where was I? Oh, yes, the movie. It's solid, and there's a very cool tune by Pete Droge in the opening credits. I even ordered the CD just for that song, since I couldn't find it on any of the music downloading sites I frequent, and I haven't bought a CD in over a year. It looks like a fairly easy tune to play on the guitar, too, so I'm likely going to be adding some Pete to the concert menu.

Ok, I'm back to mainlining Airborne and sticking spray up my nose. What fun!


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