Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hey, let's play a game! This is called Let's See Just How Screwed Up Jack's Head Is. It's a good game ... I think. If not, then go play Yahtzee or something. Yeah, Yahtzee! Dice, a cup ... what more do ya need? Booze doesn't hurt, either.

Ok ... hmm ... well, this really isn't a game, it's more of just an example. I guess I sorta teased you there, eh? I've been told I'm quite the tease, so ... uh, do whatever you want with that info. Where was I? Ah, yes, the LSJHSUJH game.

Right. So, I had an idea for something to put in the blog today, and I put it in my notes on my phone. Here's what I wrote:

Rabbit ears on pictures famous me

Makes sense, right? Um ... right. The beauty is, I'm not even sure what it was. I figured that out eventually, which will come later, but as I was trying to figure out what I meant, here are the things that went through my head:

- A Poison song ... thanks to my friend Colleen for that one ... cripes ... it was "Talk Dirty To Me", in case you're wondering and, unfortunately, it's still in there. CC, pick up that guitar and talk to me!

- I spent an inordinate amount of time debating which of two women was the better kisser. I really got into detail ... I thought about lip action, wetness, amount of tongue, movement of tongue, biting and the level of biting. It was also quite scientific ... hands and body movement weren't allowed to be part of the evaluation, just the ... uh ... upstairs action. It was fascinating stuff, in an incredibly ridiculous sort of way. And I think Tom Cruise is crazy. Eep.

- I stared blankly at Batman for about 30 seconds as he washed his head. Is anything funnier than a cat washing its head? Wash the paw, then rub it on the head, then repeat. Classic.

- This line flashed in my head: "that'll make your bull run." It took me another inordinate amount of time to figure out where that came from ... it's John Waters when he was on The Simpsons, which is one of my favorite episodes.

- I realized how much my leftover Chinese looked like the meal I made for the cats 10 minutes earlier. Fleh.

It's no secret that I'm not exactly the most focused person out there sometimes. So, when I finally came back from this haze ... by the by, this same haze is what allows me to have long, drawn out conversations with myself in my head ...

Hmm ... wait a sec ... just thought of something. Have you ever had a conversation planned out with someone, down to what you're going to say when they say something in response, etc. - and then they totally throw you off with the first thing they say? You know, you've been thinking about what to say, and you'll start with something like:

"Well, I think you're really overreacting here"

You're expecting a normal response, you've got your next response all ready, and you get:

"Um, do you know one of your ears sticks out more than the other one?"

Yeah. Kinda throws me off, too. Not the ears, fool, the other thing! Stay with me, here.

Ok, let's get back to what that means. I've forgotten it already, so let's copy and paste:

Rabbit ears on pictures famous me

I was talking to Camille about what I would be like if I was famous. I can't really even remember what some of the points were (which is too bad, cuz I think some were pretty funny - might have to come back to that in a later blog), but this was one I came up with while driving to a party today.

I think if I were famous, every time someone wanted to take a picture with me, I'd give them rabbit ears.

Yup, that's it. Told you I was a tease. I actually thought it was pretty comical, and I even had myself laughing out loud in the car visualizing it. I mean, just think if you met Brad Pitt, or Angelina, or ... um ... Snoop Dogg ... and they gave you rabbit ears. That would be awesome! A'ight, just call me Tom Cruise from now on. Nimbitz!

I watched Grizzly Man this week. I'd seen it before, but it was on TV this time. What a fascinating movie that is. Highly recommend it, although it's a little bit creepy at times. If you don't know, it's the story of Timothy Treadwell, who is the dude who basically lived with grizzly bears in Alaska for a period of time until ... well, it's not like I'm giving away the ending here ... he was killed and eaten by, you guessed it, a bear. Who woulda thunk it?! It's fascinating - there is some amazing footage of the animals, they delve pretty deeply into Treadwell's psyche, and they get some other people's feedback, both good and bad, on what he was doing. Check it if you get the chance.

And, baby ... talk dirty to me! Dag, I really don't like it when I get cheese stuck in my head.


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