Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Free me!

Naw, that ain't no silly cry for help, I've just got the Foo Fighters on my mind. See, here's the situation (I was gonna say here's the sitch, but that reads really dumb) - I've been listening to the new Foo CDs all morning, and I've got this little sorta jukebox going in my head with Foo songs. It works out well, because I'm a foo'.

Gear! I just found out that the Foo/Weezer tickets go on sale this Saturday. Fab! Sorry, had a Beatles moment there.

At the gym last night, I saw a couple of ladies from the late night gathering this past Friday, and they gave me some odd looks. I figure either (1) I really did pee in the closet, (2) I hit all over one of them or (3) I hit all over both of them at the same time. None of those seem too promising at this point, although if the third option goes well ...

Last night's sunset ... one of the more amazing ones I've seen in a long time. Hope ya caught it.

I watched Hide and Seek last night. If you don't know it, it's a movie with DeNiro and Dakota Fanning (the latest in a long line of creepy li'l child actors). For about 75 minutes, it was fantastic. Then, it just dropped off a cliff. Why is everyone trying to make the next Sixth Sense? Dorks. At least I got to watch Elisabeth Shue for part of it. Yowzah.

So, I had to go to this medical joint yesterday to get some stuff done for my new job. I'm in the waiting room, and this way cute li'l blonde is sitting next to me. They call my name, I stand up, and the lady informs me that they called my name earlier and I wasn't there. Fascinating news to me, since I haven't left the waiting room at all. Under my breath, I mutter "apparently, I've forgotten my own name" but it was loud enough for cutie pie to hear. She sorta snickered and continued filling out the forms.

So, later, I'm getting poked and prodded in this room, and I look up, and there she is out in the hall, and she smiles at me. And, as if that wasn't romantic enough, she had her urine specimen in her hand. I'm telling ya, it was true love. If you can't find love around urine, where can ya find it?

I also got to experience the joy of giving a urine sample. I think they purposely make those cups about 2 oz short of a normal whizz, because there always seems to be just a tad too much urine for the cup, eh? Never fails. I always like to splash a little warm water on the outside as well. Makes for an interesting reaction when you hand it over.

I also found out that when a nurse asks if you're afraid of needles, responding "nah, my dealer taught me all about them" probably isn't the best idea.


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