Friday, July 01, 2005

Ok, let's review the good and bad ways to wake up:

- looking into the eyes of Angelina Jolie
- in a bed full of money
- with a furball or two snoozing along

- looking into the eyes of Rosie O'Donnell
- in a bed full of urine
- with a snake or two snoozing along

Unfortunately, I have another one to add to the bad. Last night around 2 am, I was awoken to the sound of a jackhammer outside of my window. Sweet! Now, I kinda like jackhammers. I mean, they share my name, they're hammers, what's not to like? But, the noise they make a 2 am is ... mmm ... not so good. Even worse, they didn't manage to rouse the hot neighbor into running out into the street in a nightie or anything.

As if that wasn't enough, I woke up this morning to no water in the house, and someone (I'm guessing it was one of the cats, since I don't have any roommates - I'm quite the deductive reasoner) hurled on the floor. Good morning!

Is there an odder food than the Munchkin? Mr. Levi brought in a couple of boxes this morning, and of course I had to indulge. They're fairly close to cotton candy in that they're like a food tease. Hey, here's some food! Whoops, gone! Ah, the Munchkin ... 'course, I could eat 100 of them if left without supervision.

There are these three women at the gym that are evidently doing some sort of group workout with one of the trainers. Now, that's all well and good ... problem is, they have a tendency to do all kinds of kooky stuff:

- hopping around on one leg
- doing the running thing where you kick yourself in the ass
- jumping jacks ... is this 1982? who the hell does jumping jacks anymore?

Now, it is pretty comical watching 3 sorta chubby women hopping around on one leg. I have to admit that. Of course, every now and then, one of them fires off a WOOT! or a YIP!, which is my favorite thing ever. Problem is, these workouts generally take place right in one of the high traffic areas, so you have to try to figure out a way to get around them if you want to get to the water fountain or something. We have a huge gym with lots of space, and this is the best place they can find to do this stuff? It's incredibly annoying, and fairly inconsiderate (um, they have aerobics rooms that are open, idiots). So, I've dubbed them the Three Stooges. I haven't figured out which one is Curley yet.

The other wonderful part of this is yesterday, they were doing all their little gyrations right in front of me as I was on the rowing machine. So, I'm watching the screen to monitor my progress, but I'm a bit worried that they're going to think I'm looking at them, since they're doing the chicken dance or whatever right behind the screen. It's kinda tough when you're trying NOT to look at someone, and they think you ARE looking at them.

A bit of a serious note here. I was riding the bike home from the gym last night, and I put on "I Stay Away" by Alice in Chains. Got me thinking about Layne Staley, and it actually got me a li'l choked up - the song's got kind of a heavy feel to it, and his Layne's presence in the song is what drives it.

For those that don't know, he was their lead singer, and his addiction to heroin was eventually what sent him to his grave at an early age. What a waste of some incredible talent. If you ever get the chance to read about his last days, don't. I've read some excerpts, and it's pretty ugly stuff. I'm not a huge AiC fan, but I like a good portion of their music, and it's quality stuff. So, RIP Layne ... I still miss ya ...


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