Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Muffin love, hamster porn, housewarming party
Current mood: politely rude

I'm in love with muffins. Now, I understand that they're cute and furry ... mmm, well, not furry, that wouldn't be good ... but they're an adorable li'l snack. You know, the poofy top, the spongy stump, what's not to like? Problem is, they're essentially cake in a cuter package. So, I'd really like to fall out of love with muffins since, as we all know, cake is bad for ya (except for the band Cake, but that's another story). If anyone has any ideas, let me know. Maybe someone can set me up with celery or lettuce, or I can work a blind date with tofu.

So, the new Coldplay CD is my newest obsession (well, next to Pez, of course). Some really good stuff on there, and it's that typical Coldplay sorta thing - crescendos, neat li'l piano licks, Chris wailing away on the vocals. I've concluded that they're the U2 from The Unforgettable Fire - sorta mellow, almost pretentious, big productions. Not really a bad thing, but if they turn into today's U2, we're gonna have a problem.

Got on the elevator yesterday, and this dude had the same tie on that I was wearing. I immediately jumped off, ran home, and changed my tie. Yup, I'm a high maintenance bitch.

So, my hot li'l neighbor left me a note yesterday. In it, she mentions that she's having a housewarming party, and that she also has a package for me (on our block, our UPS dude will leave packages with neighbors if we aren't home). Now, I'm sweating. I mean, what if the package is my case of KY jelly, or the stack of Hamster Porn magazines that I ordered? Can't see that helping my chances.

I'm not really sure what my fixation is with hamsters, either. Maybe I should mention that to my therapist. Mmm, maybe I should GET a therapist, then mention it to him/her.

I've also got to figure out what to get the neighbor for a housewarming gift, when I've never seen the inside of her house. I figured a bottle of Jack Daniels and a case of smokes probably wouldn't work. Since it's a party, if I showed up with those things, I'd probably be a big hit. Problem is, you never know what kind of party a housewarming party is going to be. It could be a bunch of people standing around, watching their kids spill stuff everywhere, or talking about Nanny 911. I guess I'll go with the old standby - wine. I pick wine out by how cool the label looks, so this should be interesting.

Paris Hilton is retiring from partying. I didn't realize you actually had to announce that. I'll be sure to alert the proper media outlets when I'm ready to do the same. I wouldn't be expecting an announcement anytime soon.
So, it's incredibly hot in my house upstairs, except in the bedroom, where I have an A/C unit that's actually working. Now, you'd think the cats would be hanging in the bedroom, but nooooo. They prefer to flatten themselves out as much as possible on the floor in the swelter area. I think they do it on purpose, so that there'll be more tumbleweed furballs floating around the house for me to try to track down. Damn tumbleweeds. Furballweeds?

Why is it that every time I order clothes online, there's always one piece of clothing that I don't like, and have to return. It's almost like they do it to you on purpose. I'm working on that conspiracy theory right now.


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