Monday, June 13, 2005

Cafe love, walkabout, Praise the Lord!
Current mood: sleepin' it off, awake-style

Oof. Still sorta in recovery from that weekend. Well, let's see, where to start.

On Friday, here are the establishments I visited ... these are pretty much in order, too ... [deep breath ... wait a sec, I'm typing this ... no need for a deep breath] ... Max's, Hightops (ok, it's called something new, but I can't remember the name), Red Fish, Kiss Cafe, Bay Cafe, Rick's Cafe (I guess I have a thing for Cafes), Mama's, Claddaugh's, Colburn's, Portside, Cosmopolitan's and Colburn's again. I think that was it. I think. Oh, then the pizza pretzel joint. In the middle of that, I walked two women home to make sure they got there safely. 'Course, if they were walking with me, that's probably not all that safe in the first place. Heh.

Saturday, I tried to knock it down to a half dozen, but it didn't work out very well. Pickle's, Nick's, Thirsty Dog, Mad River, Ropewalk, Magerk's, Mother's. So, let's see ... that's a total of 19 places in two nights ... figure at least one drink in each at $5 and ... HOLY COW! No wonder I don't have any money. Luckily, I was pretty much drinking my dinner, so I didn't spend any on food.

There is one unfortunate highlight, which is kinda comical in a way. I have a friend who has lost a lot of weight, probably around 40 pounds or so, if not more. He has this friend, Pam, who is hecka hecka hecka hot. Well, we haven't seen Pam in a long time, probably about a year, and my buddy was excited about her seeing the new, slimmed down version of himself.

So, I decided to meet them about an hour after they met up, to give him time to work the mojo, doncha know. So, I get there, she's looking great as always, except for one big difference ... there's a huge-assed engagement ring on her hand. Heh. The po' guy. The funny thing is, Pam's probably the last person on Earth (well, next to me, I guess) that anyone thought would get engaged. I felt so bad for him that I bought him essentially a six pack at Thirsty Dog to drown his sorrows. Then, I went on walkabout.

Now, if you don't know what walkabout is, it's what I do when I'm out on the weekends. I tend to like to change bars frequently, which drives my friends a little batty. So, I usually have to do it solo ... hence, "going on walkabout". It's a lot funnier if you've seen Crocodile Dundee.

So, I finally returned home yesterday at about 1:00, and it was sleep time, big time. I basically slept through two episodes of Blind Date, part of a baseball game, the second half of the Longest Yard (the good version), most of a basketball game, a Skinemax movie I had TIVO'd (in fast forward, obviously), The Simpsons, Family Guy, and most of my dinner. Rumor is it was a beautiful day outside, too. Sure did look like it from the couch.

So, we were at lunch yesterday at this Italian place near my friend's house. As we're eating, a group of folks come in and sit down right next to us. Turns out, they just came from church, and at least one of them was a pastor/minister/religious dude. He even had some sort of hymn as his cellphone ringer ... Amazing Grace, or something like that which is pretty much hilarious in and of itself.

'Course, I immediately start making jokes under my breath to my fellow diner about how we'll probably burst into flames due to our close proximity to the saved ones combined with the debauchery we've gotten ourselves into in the past 12+ hours or so. I think my shirt might be a little singed just from sitting so close to them.

The new Coldplay CD is fabulous, as is their new video. Just sayin'.


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