Friday, June 17, 2005

Stupid horoscope, ice luge, the female Village People
Current mood: dripping dry

Yeah! Here's comes the weekend, people. Strap on your seatbelts, and let's go.

My horoscope told me to take it easy this weekend. After I finished laughing so hard that I almost threw up, I decided that my horoscope is clearly an idiot and doesn't know me too well. Stupid horoscope. Although, if it was telling me to play the lottery, or to accept Angelina Jolie's advances (she's pretty aggressive, but I have my standards), I might have to listen to it.

So, I'm out at this joint called Nick's last night with some friends, and they had a couple of new ladies with them. One of them mentions that they just graduated college last month. 'Course, my first reaction was ... grad school? I hope? Nope. It was funny to watch them recoil in shock when I told them my age. Heh. I guess I look a bit younger than I am. I then proceeded to lecture them about drinking and told them to go clean up their room.

I was talking to a female friend of mine, and she's been trying to figure out how to tell her current boyfriend that she's interested in a threesome. My idea was to take out a full page ad in the paper as well as shouting it from his rooftop, because his friends are going to be high fivin' him for weeks. Seriously, ladies, if you're into a threesome, it's pretty rare that you're going to get resistance from a guy, unless the threesome is with Rush Limbaugh or something. Just a tip.

Going to a party tomorrow, and they're going to have one of those ice luge shot things. You know, that thing where you put your mouth at the bottom of the big ice slide, and they pour the shot at the top, it slides down, and it's all chilly and cold. Oh, and you've also put your mouth where every single other person before you has put theirs, so you've basically made out with everyone at the party. Yeah, these are the things I think about.

The party after that is a flip cup tournament. Now, I don't drink beer, and I've never played flip cup. Think there's any chance I'll be standing after 10 minutes of this? I once played beer pong, except I did shots instead of drinking a beer, and I think I ended up making out with a stuffed animal by the end of the night. Now, there's a nice wakeup. I mean, there's waking up next to someone who's not exactly your type, and then there's waking up next to Miss Piggy ... literally.

So, I checked out some pics of this Pussycat Dolls band. It's basically a female version of the Village People. Six chicks, each has their own style and look. Oh, and yes, I do wish my girlfriend was hot like a couple of them. Anyway. Now, my question is, couldn't they have done the same music with just 3 chicks? I mean, hey, that's double the income for those girls. Maybe I should just stop thinking.

Took a spin class the other night, and the instructor was one of those people that likes to sing the words to the songs. Problem is, she was singing the wrong words. I almost laughed myself right off the bike. If I'm singing into a mike in front of a group of people, I guarantee you I'll know the words, or I'll just do the Elvis mumble thing.

A'ight, I'm out ... have a great weekend, all!


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