Thursday, June 16, 2005

Pussycat Dolls, chipotle, Wal Mart
Current mood: driving Miss Daisy crazy

Doncha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Yup, that's what is stuck in my head right now. It ain't good to be me. Funny thing is, Mr. Levi asked me earlier today if I had heard of that band, and I said no. Have I mentioned that I'm a genius? I just misspelled genius twice, I'm so smart. Thank you, backspace key.

Today, I've listened to Coldplay, Beck, the Killers, and I've even listened to someone sing really poorly in the hallway, and I'm stuck with the hot girlfriend song in my head. Not only that, but how disturbing is it to hear a guy sing those lyrics?

Me: Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?Thee: Wha? Um, you're a dude, dumbass. If my girlfriend was hot like you, I'd have to shoot myself.Me: I'm a dude? Oh, yah, that's right, I am. Sorry.

So, I guess I should answer that question. Seeing as how I don't have a girlfriend, I guess my answer is maybe? Not having seen the Pussycat Dolls (I think that's the name of the band), I'm not sure I can answer that anyway. We all know about the C&C Music Factory scam, where they had a video of all these hot folks singin', and it turned out to be a couple of aunts and uncles from Diff'rent Strokes who were the real band. Or, at least that's what they looked like.
Is it just me, or is chipotle the newest craze in food? I mean, I could market a leather shoe covered with chipotle, and people would eat it. Chipotle sole! I'm also never sure what's the correct pronunciation for that word, so I just play dumb ... which isn't hard.

Anyone else watch Soul Train just for the dancing women? I'm the only one? Ok, I was just checking.

I lowered my IQ about 10 points yesterday. How, you ask? Actually, you probably asked how it could go 10 points lower, but whatever. I went to ... wait for it ... Wal Mart! I walked out of there, and I swear I couldn't remember how to tie my own shoes. I'm not sure the low, low prices are worth it. It wasn't even a Super Wal Mart. I guess at the Super, you just get lobotomized when you walk in the door, just to save time.

Some people I know were having beer Olympics the other day. I've also heard of this new craze called Flip Cup. Just out of curiosity, doesn't anyone just drink anymore? I guess I shouldn't complain since, for a good 7 year period of my life, it was my life's work to be good at bouncing a quarter into a shot glass.

Along those lines, the absolutely best Thumper sign I ever saw was when this guy's sign was grabbing his chest with both hands. Now, none of us thought much of it until the game started, and the women had to do it. Well done, amigo!

So, in closing, don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?


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