Tuesday, July 12, 2005

So, I just saw a commercial for some new food thingy they're selling at Taco Bell. Now, let me give you a little tip about my relationship with Taco Bell. I don't eat it all that much, but when they have new stuff, I have to try it. Not want to ... HAVE to. They know how to get me, too. Basically, they could wrap a cow pie in a tortilla, make sure the word "crunchy" or some variation of it is in the product name, show a commercial with someone tossing lettuce and diced tomatoes on it and some hip lookin' people eating it, and I'll come running. Yes, it is a little disturbing.

Oof. Well, I managed to really rack myself up this weekend, because I think I'm STILL hungover. Christ in a handbasket, or whatever that weird phrase is that only your Aunt Betty uses. Sometimes, it's not the best thing to know bartenders, because they give you free shots of Grand Marnier, and you end up bleeding from the eyes the next day. I'm still trying to figure out how that stuff is so expensive. Anything that tastes like spider ass and causes you to shudder two days later when you think about it should be illegal, in my book. And it's a big book, lemme tell ya.

You know it's a good Friday when you lose your shoes. I still haven't gotten them back. Funny thing is, at about 7:30 on Friday night, I was on my couch and planning to stay home. Five hours later, I'm stealing ice cream from someone's fridge and losing my shoes. Go figure. Hmm ... maybe the shoes are being held until I replace the ice cream. Eureka!

Also ran into my friend Lisa in Portside, who decided to request a song for my birthday. She requests it, comes back all excited, then I hear The Outfield come on. Um, The Outfield? I'm still scratching my head over that one. At least it wasn't Wham. Apparently, unknown to me, I'm the world's biggest fan of The Outfield and their ... um ... one hit. Did they have one?

Went to see Batman Begins on Sunday. What a cool ass movie! Props to Christian Bale, too, who absolutely nailed the lead in it. He IS Batman, people. Check it if you haven't already.

So, on Saturday, I ran into the Asian woman who kept looking at her cleavage ... pretty sure I mentioned her in a previous blog. Talked to her for a bit, and I mentioned that whole scene on cleavage lookin' and asked her what was up with dat. Her response? "I was really trashed that night." Gee, ya think? Actually, I don't even care about why she was doing that anymore ... I'm more curious about how an Asian woman that size can get a DD chest without surgery. Maybe I'll ask her that the next time. I figure either she's been part of some nuclear experiment, or she's pregnant with sextuplets.

I've declared this summer the Summer of the T-Shirt, since that's pretty much all I wear out to the bars or on dates. Previously, it was going to be the Summer of Shoes, but since I've lost mine ...

I'm actually watching the Real World again ... and it couldn't be more boring. It's the exact same recipe as every other RW - hot chick breaks up with her boyfriend within the first 17 seconds of being at the house, someone gets really drunk and does something idiotic, a couple of chicks make out in the hot tub, and there's always some boring stick in the mud that 'mothers' everyone and is pretty much a buzzkill. Yeesh. Yeah, I'll probably watch the whole season. Yeah, I'm unbright.


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