Friday, July 08, 2005

Fiona on a Friday. That's almost an oxymoron of sorts. I mean, we all know how much I love Fridays. Almost as much as I love Pez. Fiona ... well, Miss Fiona has a tendency to knock me into a funk ... and not in a good way. Yet, here it is, a Friday, and Fiona is rockin' my world. Fast As You Can and all that stuff. Quality.

I've spent most of this week sleeping and not going to the gym, so I've been a complete bitch all week. Picture a sober Paris Hilton with no money, and you get the idea. This weekend is shaping up to be a quiet one, too ... which means I'll probably end up in New York City on a street corner with no clothes, hitting on Katie Couric, or something dumb like that. It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for, doncha know.

I managed to make it through another birthday pretty much unscathed,which is always a bonus. The majority of my friends don't even know about it, which is perfect. Dunno why, but since I turned 21, I just haven't really cared about the day. One of my co-workers got me one of those floss things with the handle and everything as a present ... I'm not sure if that's a hint or what.

The cats have fallen in love with the new $12 rug I bought at Wal Mart for the bathroom. This is not a good thing. I mean, I have a hard enough time hitting the bowl as it is, now I have to do it with the added obstacle of balancing myself over a cat. Maybe I should put some bowling pins in there so I can do some juggling as well. Just a tip - cats aren't real big fans of getting peed on, either, even if it is just an accident.

Watched Step Into Liquid the other night, and I was informed by my co-watcher that this surfer dude, Kelly Slater, was ruined by Pam Anderson. I'm not really sure what that means, either, but what a way to go! I'm all about getting ruined like that!

Am I the only one frightened by Tom Cruise now? I mean, next I'm expecting to hear that he's taken the entire cast of Risky Business hostage or something. Bronson Pinchot and the dude that played Glen, tied up in Cruise's house, helicopters circling, the media in a frenzy! Although, now that I think of it, I am getting a pretty good image of Rebecca DeMornay tied up ...

I got pretty well soaked on my walk to work today. Makes for a pleasant work experience. It's pretty much akin to wearing a pair of moist towlette jeans with a matching shirt, minus the pleasing smell. Not good times. The kicker is, I almost went back and got my raincoat, but I think I look too much like Inspector Gadget in it. Damn you, vanity!

Ok, it's off to the weekend soon enough. Enjoy!


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