Saturday, March 05, 2005

My life for a subject!

Friggin' subject lines. My new subject line for everything will be Re:, since that's what goes in there when it's blank. Or maybe [no subject].

Long time, no blog. Let's see, what's new. I have a new job, I'm single (again) and I've lost about 10 pounds. Not a bad trifecta, although the middle one was pretty rough. Let's just move on from that.

So, it's a little odd being on the Internet and single. Previously, if someone wanted to be a friend, it wasn't a big deal. Now, I get all skeevy and wonder if I'm being hit on. How's that for dumb? It is Friday, though, and it's going to be a good weekend. Heading out for some drinks tonight, possibly meeting up with a young lass from my gym, going to DC to hang with friends tomorrow, and chillin' on Sunday. Oh, and there's basketball on EVERY FREAKIN' DAY! YAHOO!

Bah, I don't really feel like bloggin' today. I'd much rather sing!

We asked for Mojo Nixon
They said "he don't work here"
We said if you ain't got Mojo Nixon then your store could use some fixin'

Yeah, my voice sucks.

Two incredible films I've seen recently - Sideways and Garden State. Get on it if you haven't. Dumbass.

I just got the book Bright Lights, Big City. Saw the movie years ago. Michael J Fox is the star, and it's pretty good stuff. Should be a good read.

So, there's this hoop player whose name is Pittsnoggle. Say it a couple of times. Pittsnoggle. Sounds like a character on Sesame Street.

A'ight, I'm off to enjoy the weekend. Don't do anything I wouldn't do (which doesn't rule out much). ;-)


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