Thursday, August 10, 2006

I'm starting a new trend! What's that? Uh, yes, smart ass, I realize that being a drunken clown is already in style, and that I'm not breaking any new ground there. That's not the trend I'm starting. Tell ya what ... why don't you just stand over there for this blog? ---------->

Ok, cleared that up. So, the trend ... ever noticed how everyone always uses the phrase "knowing my luck" and it's always a bad thing that follows? You know, like ...

... knowing my luck, it'll rain tomorrow
... knowing my luck, I'll get hit by a bus
... knowing my luck, I'll get lucky with Pam Anderson and she'll have hepatitis

Whoops! Heh. Anyway, so my new trend is I'm going to use that phrase, but with good stuff behind it. I mean, I'm a pretty lucky guy ... I've got a good job, a nice house, two cool cats, I'm in good shape physically (although I'm sure my liver would object on weekends), I can talk to women without peeing myself, I don't have any burning sensations anywhere, and I haven't fallen down from drinking in a few weeks. I think. So, here we go ...

... knowing my luck, it'll be sunny tomorrow
... knowing my luck, Tom Cruise will get a flat tire on the way to his next "acting" gig
... knowing my luck, I'll go to my next class, and it'll be "Hot Brunettes Wearing Victoria's Secret Apparel Teach Microeconomics Day"
... knowing my luck, I'll open my BGE bill and it'll be full of Pez

Eh, I've lost interest in this already. Let's go forward.

I know what I want to be when I grow up. I'm in a meeting this morning, and someone actually used the term "Bed Czar." Or maybe is was "Bed Tsar." Anyway, that's a job with my name all over it. I think. Guess it sorta depends on whose bed. Might have to get back to you on that one.
If you read this noise enough, you know that I have a tendency to get really dumb stuff stuck in my head ... like Culture Club, the theme song to What's Happening, or repeated versions of Rain Man saying "92X ... bam! ... the future of rock and roll." So, I'm all excited this week, because this has been stuck in my head the whole time ...

Hmph ... I don't think so.

I'll give you another hint ... her bikini, small ... heels, tall ... she said ... she liked ... the ocean. That's right ... Ladies Love Cool James was riding with me all week.

Had a dream last night that I aced my midterm. 'Course, I also dreamt that I was playing Twister with Angelina, I had a gum chewing contest with a girl from high school, and at one point, I was being chased through the mall by that Muppet named Gonzo. That Muppet is quick, too! Li'l bastard. Note to self - no more LSD before bed.

Is it possible to smell cedar without immediately thinking of hamsters and hamster cages? I didn't think so.

The furheads are on a new feeding schedule, and it's quite the drama. Batman has taken to complaining loudly every morning that he's hungry ... or that he wants the ritual of the placing of food on the floor in a small dish to be completed. Whichever. The beauty is, this morning, I just mocked him the whole time while shaving, which ticked him off more. He then decided to tackle his sister, and she beat the catnip out of him. Good comedy at 7 am.

I love Thursday nights. I get a full workout at prime time in the gym, I generally hit the Singles Safeway to shop, do a little grillin' out, laundry ... well, ok, I love most of Thursdays ... and I can smell the weekend. *Sniff sniff*. I'm like a bloodhound when it comes to weekend, I tell ya. It's close.

There's someone here at work named Sherry Potter. Eesh. I mean, that was a fine name until 10 years ago or so. Now ...


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