Monday, August 14, 2006

Whew. I'm tired and a tad cranky right now, so just keep your smartass comments to yourself while reading this ... or else. Or else what? Um, or else you're on the list! Eh, who am I kidding ... I don't even have a list, unless you're talking about the list of places I've forgotten my credit card. Now, THAT'S a nice, long list!

Ok, just got back from class ... so we finally got our midterms back, and the Prof was all kindsa pissed at us. Apparently, we all suck Tang. That's right, you heard me ... suck Tang. I got a B- ... which is roughly the equivalent of a friend setting you up on a blind date with a movie star, then finding out it's Renee Zelwigger. That might be funnier if I knew how to spell her name. Eesh. So, we spent the last hour of class going over the answers and being reminded of how much we suck ... Tang. Luckily, a portion of my class is suckier and ... uh ... Tangier than me (this is starting to get kinda weird), because she had to grade on a curve.

So, I go through a phase every month or so where I like to add new friends on Myspace and meet new people. Well, ok, not people - women ... let's not be daft here. I've never felt all that comfortable sending a friend request out of the blue to a guy. So, anyway, this ritual goes on every time - I send friend requests, they get accepted, I send an email to start the chattin', and half don't respond and then they get deleted a few days later. I'll never, ever, ever understand that one. That's on par with selling hot dogs in a pack of 10 and buns in a pack of 8 ... or whatever they come in. Hell, I haven't eaten a hot dog in years, so for all I know they could sell them in buckets now. Hey, a bucket of dogs! The Barkin' Bucket!

A couple of notes from the weekend:

#1 - Ducked up dude at the SPCA

Ok, so I spelled the F word wrong. Actually, I do that T9 nonsense now - you know, where the text message words are completed for you, and you spent most of the time going back and correcting them because they're nowhere near being right - and that's how it came out, which I thought was hecka funny. I've been drinking all day ... I am so ducked up! Anyway. So, I'm in the cat room chillin', and I realize that the bathroom door has been closed for a good 20 minutes. I actually thought someone just closed it when they came out, instead of leaving it open. I'm ponging this around in my head, when some dude comes out ... and he's completely wrecked. I mean, does it get better than some dude going to an Animal Shelter's bathroom to get his fix? I love this city. Even the cat I was holding gave him an odd look.

#2 - Chubbies

This one's pretty simple. Chubbies is a strip club ... I think. It has to be, because that's just a hilarious name for a strip club. 'Nuff said.

I s'pose you're waiting for a recap of Saturday night. Well, I don't really have one ... mainly because the last few hours are a fog. I do know I went to Federal Hill, and it was a ghost town. Kinda weird in a ... well, it was just weird. I'm going to continue to go there, though, because (1) I'm down with meeting new people right now ... OK, OK, women! Jeez ... and (2) there's always a chance I'll run into my ex and she absolutely loves me. Loves! Hmm ... sarcasm doesn't go over well in print, does it?

I do remember running into my buddy Mark at Portside ... what's that? Um, of course I came back to Canton! Let's not be ridiculous here. I also ran into this one young lady who used to be on a TV show. 'Course, every time I run into her, I ask her about the show, which was cancelled eons ago, and clearly it being cancelled was a bummer to her. It's an absolutely brilliant move ... if you want to be sure the woman's going to go talk to someone else. I'm also supposed to hit Dewey Beach with Mark this coming weekend, so you've been warned. Um, whoever you are. Knowing Dewey as I do, we'll likely be pretty ducked up.


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