Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Let's see ... I think I forgot to recap the rest of the weekend. Since I don't remember part of Saturday night, that might be kind of tough.

We started at Gecko's. Fortunately, we know not only the bartender but the owner at Gecko's. Needless to say, I left Gecko's having trouble seeing straight. We're off to a flying start! From there, we went to a bar in Fell's called Waterfront, which is actually pretty cool. A couple of friends were playing guitar there and doing some tunes. Luckily, I wasn't completely out of my mind, because the girlfriend of one of the friends tried to get me to sing a song, and I managed to say no. 'Course, the bartenders would've been happy if I had sang, because there would've been a stampede to get shots. I'll give you three guesses as to where I ended the night, and two of them don't count.

Sunday's highlight was seeing a guy with a metal leg riding a motorcycle ... my friend Ricky appropriately titled that his "kickstand". For some reason, this sent us off into gales of laughter. We're stupid that way. We also watched lots of idiots fight over their individual football teams at the Steelers/Ravens game. I think they were serving extra dumb sauce with everyone's game day hot dog.

Ok, so most of you know I"m going to Vegas this weekend. Fortunately, I have such good friends that they've all given me their opinions on what I have to do when I'm there. The wonderful part of that is, if I did everything I've been told to do, I wouldn't be back until the summer. So, here's a list of things I will NOT be doing while I'm there:

- Riding anything that makes me sick. That includes roller coasters, bungee jumping, and Richard Simmons.
- Eating at some fancy restaurant. I'm a single male in Vegas by myself. Why would I waste time with food?
- Playing roulette. Worst odds in the casino ... although ... women seem to love roulette. Hmm ...
- Sleeping. I'm still trying to figure out why I was stupid enough to reserve a room on Friday night, when my flight leaves at 7 am the next day. I tried to cancel the room for that night, and it didn't work. The funny part was, the reservation lady asked where I was going to sleep. Uh, single male, alone, Vegas, Friday night ... sleep?
- Going to a bunny ranch ... actually, any sort of ranch with an animal in the name. Bunny, armadillo, rattlesnake, etc. I believe in the Costanza theory on parking when it comes to women ... why pay for it when, if I apply myself, I can get it for free?
- Shopping. I'm still amazed that this was suggested. I think the next time I'm out with the person that suggested shopping, they might have to do a penalty shot just for the suggestion.

In other news, I think it's fantastic that Paris Hilton was given a new X-Box 360. I mean, if there's anyone in this world that needs to get some free stuff, it's her. Here's an idea ... how about giving her some anti-idiot creme for free? Actually, if they made that stuff, I'd fill up a tanker with it, head down to the local Wal Mart, and have an "accidental" tanker spill.

Anything that sounds like a cuss word but isn't is cool as hell in my book. Case in point - Fuddruckers. Get yourself real angry about something, then shout that. See?

One thing I forgot to mention about my buddy Damon's visit this past weekend ... he managed to eat all of the lemon Pez! I'm telling ya, life is beautiful when you have friends willing to do things like that for ya.

I love it when random folks from my past sign my website without any contact info. I googled your name, checked out the website ... ok, see ya! Odd. I'm trying a reverse Google on the latest drive by ... we'll see if I have any luck.

I'm pretty sure this week is on its 12th day ... it's going that slowly ... and it's a short week. Newman!

I watched a really sucky movie last night - Dead Ringers. It was supposed to be a horror movie ... the only thing frightening about it was that I wasted 2 hours of my life watching it. Ick. So, don't see Dead Ringers. My work here is done.


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