Monday, June 06, 2005

Monday, June 06, 2005
Mr. Pink, South Beach in Baltimore, pork chops
Current mood: freezing hot

Well, that was interesting. Wasn't it Friday night about 10 minutes ago? What just happened?

Well, let's see. Friday sucked. Turns out I had a sinus infection, so I got to stay home and sleep while everyone went out and had fun. That's always annoying ... sitting there wondering what everyone else is doing, and knowing you can't go find out. So, I slept for about 29 hours, and watched some really, really bad TV. Any TV show that involves one of the Go Gos is a problem.

I did manage to see Reservoir Dogs twice that night, though. So, of course, I spent the rest of the weekend asking everyone I saw why I gotta be Mr. Pink. Very, very few understood what I was saying, and most just backed away slowly. Seems to be a reaction that I get fairly often.

But, made up for it all on Saturday. Basically, I had an entire weekend in one night. We started early at Gecko's, then hit another 7-8 bars, including seeing Ed and Frank at The Horse, and I managed to end up at Sabatino's at 3 am. Needless to say, there wasn't a lot of sleeping that night. Sleep is overrated anyway, especially on the weekends. Too much to do, and you can do it to all hours of the morning. Yahoo!

Last night, I had a lovely nightmare, and I woke up all clammy and heart poundy. The only time I wish I didn't live alone is when this happens, cuz it is freeeeeaky. 'Course, having cats, they're always a big help in these situations. I think they can realize when you're having a bad dream, and they purposely do something to make a strange noise right after you wake up. I think one of them was dragging a body down into the basement to bury it when I woke up. At least, that's what it sounded like. Doggone furballs.

They opened a nightclub at my gym. You read that right. So, now, when I go to the gym on Sundays, I get to see beer bottles and cigarette butts in the parking lot. Not only that, but it's one of those pretentious sorta places, too. You know the deal - dress code, expensive drinks, VIP lounges. I love those places. Mmm, wait a second - I can't stand those places. Yeah, that's better.

Supposed to be the feel of South Beach, yet here in Baltimore. Sorta like having an opera in a barn. I'm just hoping that if they're bring the feel of South Beach to Baltimore that they don't forget the topless beaches.
How come I have the munchies on a Monday? Hmm.

So, what's the first thing you think of when you hear the words "pork chops"? Well, if you're me, you think of Peter Brady ... "pork chops and applesauce". Yup, this is my brain, and I have to live with it.


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